Vichaar Vidya

Art of Debate

There is a difference between arguing and debating. If a participator succumbs to Krodh, then a debate descends into an argument. However, if emotion can be managed, and rationality and good faith are prioritised, then a debate can be an incredibly useful way to learn new things, stress-test your ideas and avoid building a “brittle sharda” through blind faith.
The “Art of Debate” series will go through various aspects to consider when engaging in debate. See them as a form of verbal wrestling with techniques and strategies that can be applied. This not just so that we can use them to convey ideas, but to also defend against those who rely solely on tactic and rhetoric rather than reason. Recognising the underlying motivations, the types of fallacies and signs of defeat can help prepare ourselves for any conversation. But most importantly, it can equip us with the tools to critically assess our own ideas too.

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Biases & Logical Fallacies
Signs of Defeat

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Bunga Azaadi — Institute for Azadist Studies

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