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Coffee !
Welcome to the SCHEDULE page!
This page would be locked to all employees except those that create and edit the schedule. It can, however, be viewable for employees to find contact numbers and employee availability if they need coverage.
Here you are able to create the schedule, add/remove employees, update personal information, keep track of who has keys, and adjust availability by day.
Schedule Creator:
I’m using my coffeeshop as an example and our hours are small, so there is no need for mid-shifts. It will either be opening (7:45-1:00pm) and closing (10:30-3:00). There will be two employees per shift, so a total of four employees a day.
Employee/Contact List:
Add or remove employees from list while updating contact information. Can also keep track of who has keys by clicking the checkbox to confirm that this person is able to open or close the store.
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