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Turn more leads into revenue with an effective CRM. Built for small business and and remote sales teams.


This App is designed for you to manage leads, opportunities, interactions and customers easily. Then it will run and track the opportunities to achieve more Sales.
It is mainly used by companies of any size! Follow up is very important, you are the best to decide the frequency of follow up meetings, calls and tasks.
This app also has a dashboard to help you tracking the big numbers.
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Here is the place to manage all interactions with leads and customers. Allows to create all kind of tasks and take notes if you need.

Designed to create and manage you sales pipeline. There is also a connection with all interactions that makes easy to track all actions inside opportunities.

This is the place to insert and manage all your contacts. You can filter by leads, customers, companies and contact status.

Here you can find the big numbers and follow the pace.

Enjoy 😉
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