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Client Script

Let’s get started! First off, will anyone be joining from the office, or will you all be remote?
If some are joining from the office and some remote:
Great, are you currently in the office or remote?
(whichever they are in, say that we will email them a couple of links to try (or for someone else to try) from the other location
For everyone:
Does your company require you to use a VPN or portal when you’re working remotely?
Does everyone at your company have a corporate Zoom account?
Can you see the chat?
Now we’re just going to test your access to our Google docs, can you open the link in the chat and let me know if you’re able to see out doc?
Share in chat1 : Doc #
If they CAN’T open it—
No problem, you may have a block on our shortlinks, which we don’t have to use for your team. Can you try this next?
If they CAN’T open it—
No problem, it looks like your system wont allow external google docs, can you try one more:
Share in chat:
If they CAN’T open it—
No problem, we can work around using these types of link in your event.
Next we’re just going to test one of our forms. Can you open the link in the chat? It’ll ask you some basic info and to upload a photo, feel free to add anything you have on your desktop, we love a good dog photo.
Share in chat
After you hit submit, keep the form open for one last test. Let me know when you get there—
You should see a QR code at the end of the form, can you open the camera app on your phone and scan that code? It should take you to that same Google Doc you saw before.

Ask if they receive their confirmation email from hello@
Want to print your doc?
This is not the way.
Try clicking the ⋯ next to your doc name or using a keyboard shortcut (
) instead.