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About KIDdesigns / SDI Technologies (iHome)
KIDdesigns is a leading manufacturer of cutting edge, interactive electronic toys, learning aids, and real electronics for kids of all ages. We understand and respect the importance that toys play in kids' lives. With that responsibility in mind, we combine state-of-the-art technology with old-fashioned fun to create innovative, exciting, and enjoyable products that kids will love and parents can trust.
KIDdesigns is dedicated to creating products that help boys and girls grow, learn, and have fun.
KIDdesigns has received some of the most prestigious awards and honors in the industry, including Family Fun's "Toy of the Year" award, "Top Toy" recognition from the Great American Toy Test, and the "Best New Product Innovation" award from Toy Wishes Magazine. Our most-treasured honors, however, have always been the smiles and laughter from millions of boys and girls when they play with our toys and use our products.
Pretend Fun and Learning - Kids learn more when they're having fun, and no teacher can make learning more fun than Optimus Prime and the rest of Transformer gang, or transforming their learning into fun with our really cool Transformers line, they will learn spelling, math and more! All of our products feature authentic sound effects and encouragement and phrases in the voices of their heroes Optimus Prime!
Role Playing - Girls will love role playing as veterinarian, rock star or even learning good spending habits with our Barbie line of electronic role-play toys. All are designed with high-tech features, just like the real things, with added extras like cool phrases in the voice of Barbie™ and super sound effects made just for young girls. With Barbie™ Pretend Fun toys, role-playing has never been more real!
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