Acct UI: Music on/off toggle button graphics displaying backward
It doesn’t show the current state of the music. Confusing users why the button shows it off, but the music is still playing.
Acct UI: No error state for incorrect username or password
Acct UI: No confirmation when logged in
I added a logged in message, and a timer to close the login form.
Town Home: Hidden stairs go nowhere. Crashes game
Portraits: Bishop Character looks like a rook.
Movement UI can get misaligned with tiles
Door top cuts off top of piece
Audio: Possible to get multiple tracks playing at once
Well battle: Possible to get 2 fayette knights
Camera: ocassionally zooms out when entering dialog
i didn’t change the formula, but prevented the dialogue from zooming out if it was going to.
Item Branch: Sam’s head is cut off after cutscene
possible to break movement UI by returning to old map?
Castle: users able to walk on tile above western door
Castle: Bishop cannot enter all doors
I dont know if I call this a bug.
Menu Button allows UI to appear during dialog
Any expected behaviour here? Should the menu show over the dialogue? should you not be able to open the menu when dialogue is open? should opening the menu pause a current running scene?
Music: The play/stop button in the menu doesn’t match the Acct UI mute/unmute buttons
Acct UI: No way to update password in new game, profile screen?
WASD keys dont work sometimes
Multimove highlights don’t use the new stairs/npc highlighting
Using party menu with requirements modal open freezes game
Able to send blank message in chats
Disable keyboard controls when cutscene starts.
After gma’s basement, 2 fayettes in the next battle.
Can’t use wasd when typing a level name in the editor.