Raw Agent Topics: Call Logger has the CallTypeID column, which each call logger database decodes in CallTypes. So I would join the call_logger_all_call_entries table to one of the call_logger_<xyz>.CallTypes table to retrieve the CSR-selected call type.
Refined Call Topics: we need to partition the same CallTypeID column before and after June 2023, and use that to compare old vs. new.
GPT Call Topics: If we want to use GPT ones, pg-zinnia-data-production-v1.call_center_v1.call_insights WHERE prompt_key like '%Call%Type%' ( the prompt key might be wrong here, but it should be something like “call type”)
Transcripts: the transcripts are in pg-zinnia-data-production-v1.call_center_v1.call_transcripts . We only really have the encrypted ones right now, but are planning for the unencrypted ones in the future.
transcript_df: clean_transcripts_extra and clean_transcripts in transcript_df are previously saved data that had stop words removed