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OEL Course Bank

This is a collection of the courses that have been checked as “New OEL Courses” or as “OEL Bank”. These are the courses we are considering including in the program.
New OEL Courses
Course Area
New OEL Course
Course Clusters
NEW - Experiential Education/Theory/Place- Based Ed
BA, Outdoor Education and Leadership (Version 1) - OEL Core Classes
NEW - Curriculum/Teaching in the Outdoors
BA, Outdoor Education and Leadership (Version 1) - OEL Core Classes
NEW - Leadership in the Outdoors
BA, Outdoor Education and Leadership (Version 1) - OEL Core Classes
NEW - Leadership in Challenging Environments
NEW - Outdoor Leadership Training (3)
BA, Outdoor Education and Leadership (Version 1) - Outdoor Skills
NEW - Outdoor Leadership Practicum (3)
BA, Outdoor Education and Leadership (Version 1) - Teaching Practicum
NEW - Wilderness Medicine (1)
NEW - Advanced Wilderness Medicine (3)
BA, Outdoor Education and Leadership (Version 1) - Outdoor Skills
NEW - Internship Experience (3)
BA, Outdoor Education and Leadership (Version 1) - Teaching Practicum
Course Area:
Existing Course Bank
Course Area
New OEL Course
OEL Bank
Course Clusters
Math, CS, Accounting
ITM 104 Operating Systems and Word Processing Topics
ITM 105 Spreadsheet Topics
ITM 106 Database Topics
Math 254 Statistical Methods
Biology, Chemistry, Physics
Pre-forestry and Wildlife Management in Biological Sciences p. 83
ENTBUS327 Foundations of Entrepreneurship (3)
PRO320 Business and Professional Communication (3)
BUS 441 Business in Society: Ethics, Responsibility and Sustainability
English and Communications
WRITE212 introduction to Technical Communication (3)
COMM101 Fundamentals of Oral Communication (FC) (3)
COMM 390 Conflict Management (3)
CONFLICT390 – Conflict Management (3)
CONFLICT401 – Negotiation (3)
CONFLICT402 – Mediation (3)
CONFLICT405 – Culture and Conflict (3)
ECON474 Sustainability and Economic Policy (3)
ECON 202 Principles of Microeconomics
ECON202 Principles of Microeconomics
Econ333 Natural Resource Economics
ECON474 Sustainability and Economic Policy
ED-CIFS201 - Education Schooling and Society (FS) (3)
BA, Educational Studies - Introduction
BA, Outdoor Education and Leadership (Version 1) - UF Courses
ED-ESP223 - Child Growth and Development (FS) (3)
BA, Educational Studies - Core 1
ED-ESP221 - Foundations of Professional Practices: ECE/ECSE (3)
BA, Educational Studies - Diverse Learners
ED-ESP458 - Autism Spectrum Disorder (3)
BA, Educational Studies - Diverse Learners
BA, Educational Studies - Learning Environments and Behavior Support
Ed-ESP 360 Environments and Observation in Early Childhood (3-0-3) (F)*
BA, Outdoor Education and Leadership (Version 1) - Pedagogy and Practice
Ed-ESP 361 Place-Based and Outdoor Education in Early Childhood (3-0-3) (S)*
BA, Outdoor Education and Leadership (Version 1) - Pedagogy and Practice
Ed-ESP 362 Fieldwork in Early Childhood: Place-Based Education (0-11-3) (S)*
BA, Outdoor Education and Leadership (Version 1) - Pedagogy and Practice
Ed-ESP 363 Inquiry-Based Learning in Early Childhood (3-0-3) (F)*
BA, Outdoor Education and Leadership (Version 1) - Pedagogy and Practice
Ed-ESP 364 Fieldwork in Early Childhood: Inquiry-Based Learning (0-11-3)*
BA, Outdoor Education and Leadership (Version 1) - Pedagogy and Practice
STEM-ED Inquiry
STEM-ED101 (1)
STEM-ED 102 (1)
Ed-ESP 365 Leadership and Advocacy in Early Childhood Education (3-0-3) (S)*
BA, Outdoor Education and Leadership (Version 1) - Pedagogy and Practice
Ed-CIFS 201
Ed-CIFS 203 Child and Educational Psychology (3-0-3) (F/S)
Ed-CIFS 302 Learning and Instruction (4-0-4) (F,S) (Coreq: 301 Teaching Experience)
BA, Outdoor Education and Leadership (Version 1) - Pedagogy and Practice
Ed-CIFS 321 Creativity and Critical Thinking Skills (3-0-3) (F/S) (
ENVTSTD300 Environmental Management and Analysis (3)
HLTH420 Strategic Planning and Project Management (3)
BA, Outdoor Education and Leadership (Version 1) - Leadership for Outdoor Organizations
EOHS334 Environmental Health Management (2-3-3) (S)
EOHS431 Climate Change and Public Health (3-0-3)
EOHS432 Agriculture, the Environment and Public Health (1-0-1)
EOHS 433 Environmental Health Disparities (3-0-3)
ENVSTD121 Intro to the Environment (FN)
HES220 Systems Thinking and Sustainability (3)
GOES101 Global Environmental Science (FN)
BA, Outdoor Education and Leadership (Version 1) - Science and the Environment
GEOG321 Sustainability in the Anthropocene
BA, Outdoor Education and Leadership (Version 1) - Science and the Environment
GEOS305 Global Climate Change
BA, Outdoor Education and Leadership (Version 1) - Science and the Environment
KINES 109 Water Safety Instructor (0-2-1) (F/S)
KINES 114 Instructional Outdoor Education (0-3-1) (F/S)
KINES 115 Instructional Recreational Games (0-3-1) (F/S)
KINES 201 Cultural, Historical and Philosophical Dimensions of Physical Activity (3-0-3) (F/S/SU)
KINES 270 Applied Anatomy (3-0-3)(F/S)
KINES 220 Introduction to Athletic Injuries (3-0-3)(F/S)
KINES 305 Adapted Physical Education (3-0-3)(F,S)
KINES 330 Exercise Physiology (3-0-3)(f,S)
KINES 332 Nutrition in Exercise and Sport
KINES 360 The Psychology of Sport Coaching (2-0-2)(F/S)
KINES 378 Motor Development and Human Behavior (2-0-2)(F/S)
KINES 379 LAB (0-2-1)(F/S)
KINES 405 Foundations of Physical Activity and Health (3-0-3) (F)
KINES 430 Physical Activity for Special Populations (3)
Social Science
ANTH 315 Environmental Anthropology (3-0-3)
ANTH 424 Intro to Cultural Resource Management (3-0-3) (F/S)
BA, Outdoor Education and Leadership (Version 1) - Leadership for Outdoor Organizations
ANTH418 Research Methods for Social Scientists (3-0-3)(F/S)
SOC 390 Conflict Management (3)
POLS 299 Introduction to Political Research (3) Stats
POLS 301 Advanced Political Science Methods (3)
POLS409 Environmental Politics (3-0-3) (F/S) Prereq POLS 300 or URBAN200
POLS434 Environmental Security (3-0-3) (F/S) Prereq POLS 305 or 306
HEP446 Grant Writing (3)
BA, Outdoor Education and Leadership (Version 1) - Leadership for Outdoor Organizations
NONPROF 440 Funding for Non Profits
BA, Outdoor Education and Leadership (Version 1) - Leadership for Outdoor Organizations
PUBH230 Healthy Environments, Healthy People
BA, Outdoor Education and Leadership (Version 1) - Leadership for Outdoor Organizations
PUBH240 Foundations of Health Education and Promotion (3-0-3)
BA, Outdoor Education and Leadership (Version 1) - Leadership for Outdoor Organizations
Soc101 How Society Really Works: An Intro to Sociology (FS) 3)
Soc201 Theories of Society
SOC 310 Elementary Social Statistics (3)
Soc311 Social Research
SOC412 Qualitative Social Research Methods
SOC 440 Environmental Sociology
IPS450 Creativity and Collaboration (3)
IPS487 Community Impact and Leadership Seminar I: Discovery and Teamwork (1)
IPS488 Community Impact & Leadership Seminar II: Emotional Intelligence (1)
IPS488 Community Impact & Leadership Seminar III: Integration and Design (1)
IPS410 Case Studies in Leadership (3-0-3) (F/S/SU)
BA, Outdoor Education and Leadership (Version 1) - Wilderness Leadership and Facilitation / Psych
IPS440 Project Management and Design (3-0-3) (F/S/SU)
BA, Outdoor Education and Leadership (Version 1) - Leadership for Outdoor Organizations
IPS450 Creativity and Collaboration (3-0-3) (F/S/SU)
IPS460 Dimensions of Wellness (2-0-2) (F/S/SU)
LEAD 325 Foundations of Leadership
LEAD 326 The Practice of Leadership
LEAD 490 Capstone
IPS410 Case Studies in Leadership (3)
LEAD 325
LEAD 326
LEAD 327 Relational Leadership
LEAD 495 Leadership Experience
IPS410 Case Studies in Leadership (3)
LEAD 225 – Civic Engagement and Leadership (1-3)
Certificate in Environmental Education - Electives
LEAD 480 – Studies in Leadership (3)
LLC201 Cultural Diversity in the School (3)
PSYC 331 The Psychology of Health
PSYC 101. Intro to Psychology (3-0-3)
PSYC 295 Statistical Methods
PSYC309 Child Development
BA, Outdoor Education and Leadership (Version 1) - Wilderness Leadership and Facilitation / Psych
PSYC 310 Adolescent and Adult Development
BA, Outdoor Education and Leadership (Version 1) - Wilderness Leadership and Facilitation / Psych
PSYC 321 Research Methods
PSYC322 Principles of Data Science
PSYC331 The Psychology of Health
BA, Outdoor Education and Leadership (Version 1) - Wilderness Leadership and Facilitation / Psych
LEAD325 - Foundations of Leadership (3)
BA, Outdoor Education and Leadership (Version 1) - Environmental Ways of Knowing and Leading
Certificate in Leadership - Core
Certificate in Environmental Education - Electives
LEAD326 - The Practice of Leadership (3)
Certificate in Leadership - Core
LEAD490 - Capstone in Leadership (3)
Certificate in Leadership - Core
IPS410 - Case Studies in Leadership (3)
Certificate in Leadership - Core
NEW - Internship Experience (3)
BA, Outdoor Education and Leadership (Version 1) - Teaching Practicum
NEW - Experiential Education/Theory/Place- Based Ed
BA, Outdoor Education and Leadership (Version 1) - OEL Core Classes
NEW - Curriculum/Teaching in the Outdoors
BA, Outdoor Education and Leadership (Version 1) - OEL Core Classes
NEW - Leadership in the Outdoors
BA, Outdoor Education and Leadership (Version 1) - OEL Core Classes
NEW - Leadership in Challenging Environments
NEW - Outdoor Leadership Training (3)
BA, Outdoor Education and Leadership (Version 1) - Outdoor Skills
NEW - Outdoor Leadership Practicum (3)
BA, Outdoor Education and Leadership (Version 1) - Teaching Practicum
NEW - Wilderness Medicine (1)
NEW - Advanced Wilderness Medicine (3)
BA, Outdoor Education and Leadership (Version 1) - Outdoor Skills

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