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Curators Group

Attendees: Yoshimi & Jon, Brian von Herzen, Langdon Roberts, Faith Flanigan, Felipe Canchala, Louise Duncan, Luciana Schwandner Ferreira
Brian - systems design - moving towards something that feeds humanity and provides back to nature.
Langdon - neuroscience, healing from trauma and consciousness economics - healing from trauma to find peace in their own lives. Creating a place for healing the collective. Personalization - personal shifts.
Louise Duncan - Tetramap - greatest strength is persistency - can make a massive difference in peoples lives. Resource distribution map - tool is great, but education on how to build the value on it is more important. Fan of Seth Godin - how do we market stuff?
Luciana - architect and urban planner based in Brazil - working on microclimate design and urban planning - working on the Nature Wisdom project - center for know exchange -working with EcoVillage - planning human spaces in the green spaces - how can human spaces dialogue with natural spaces.
How does the manual reach out to non English speakers
How can the manual be a key document for building policy
Felipe - Columbia - working in the energy industry for the past 10 years - working in energy transition currently. Personal project - energy transformation - started working on the TetraMap structures. Started the Tetra Meme - started Cosmic Camp - which is an idea that looks at ecosystems for co-creations for 100% of life.
Jon - Aukland - used to write user manuals for computer systems - were more about computers than what people need to do. Using the tool - need to learn how to use the tool and educate around that. Change the way we think through Tetra Meme. Living systems in wholes. How to change our thinking.
Yoshimi - Concern in the convergence meetings - was about sense making, but there wasn’t enough sense-making around this. How can we share the utility of this.
Need a solution now.
Give us more than just factual information, but the inspiration for doing something that we didnt’ know how to do before.
What is it that each of us brings to the table? How will people know where to go? what are the challenges that you have faced when you are looking for something? Why would the manual be a true source for resources.
Challenges for finding information
Linking information - ie. linking physical oceanography with physical biology - only by crossing disciplines and doing systems integrations - taking two areas of expertise and joining them together.
Crossing disciplines and drawing dotted lines for disciplines - making something greater than the individual than the sum of its parts.
Inherent Bias - Many searches have a white capitalist, corporate bias. African Am community efforts are far more successful for finding information.
Search engines are controlled by economic bias
Challenges for finding quality information - more cross disciplines to answer questions were trying to answer.
Collaboration and competition - for information to be available for everyone - can co-promote and co-share across disciplines
Competition for peoples time, energy and skillset in finding something like this. Need to get across somehow what this is for, whose its for, so people can continue to connect. Competition of time. How to find the gems of what our cooperating manual is designed to do.
How do you know what you don’t know. How to find the key words? Tagging system
Credibility - who wrote this. Are they organised under a cooperative governance system? Need to live what we promote in order to be credible.
Manual needs to be certified by someone somewhere? Who is the certifier for the manual?
Credibility has a difference context than we understand today.
Plus: the challenge in finding some information in Portuguese... I can read in english but this is not the rule in Brazil. So it is difficult to share some materials I may find in other languages
Whose definition is high integrity - as a contributor to the manual - need to be on the same page.
If you’re a user how do you trust that this is a high-integrity resource. How do we create the trust?
Who is this accessible to? What is the transparency?
How do we move from competition towards cooperation?
Disrupter extractor - structure needs to be different than business as usual. What is it in the manual that you can trust.
How are we disruptively different?
How do we impact all the senses? Dotted lines of disciplines - the media is the message - take a large body of knowledge and summarise the disciplines - provides the advertising that present the knowledge in a visually connected way - Mind mapping = Miro map / TetraMap - could be accessible to everyone. Curation that enables people to be more inspired (ie. Blinkist) - short stories on an article from the CMSE
How to take the dense information and do a 3 min interpretation
Intro to a 10 year old - capturing attention -
Articulating a manual that works for all needs to be specific but also broad enough to make it adaptable
Easily translated
How can we make the CMSE useful for all cultures?
- What do our cultures have in common?
Social permaculture can be its own chapter for the Manual
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