Yohan’s vision

Suggested date: Around 15th April, either before or after DAS (consider conflict with speakers that might be at DAS)
Target audience: Accountants who might also have an interest in investing
Webinar focus: excitement and unique opportunities in investing in accounting tech in 2024, emphasizing the transformation by AI (without overhyping), what are the big opportunities going to be, and why is now the time for them
Opportunity: tell people about our two investment opportunities

Ben’s vision V1

Objective - what are we trying to achieve from the webinar?

Primary - Get investors
Secondary - Get startups

Audiences - who are we targeting? And what would appeal to them?

Given our focus on attracting investors, and ideally startups too, we need to make it appealing to both.

What do investors want?

Easy deal flow
Access to deals before their competitors
Credibility/to be seen as visionary/ to be seen as a supporter for businesses

What do startups want?

Idea validation
Free stuff

So, specifically, what can we do that would appeal to both?

Startup roast which is vetted by both:
Industry experts (our accountants - idea validation)
Investors (money validation)

Additional benefit of a roast - we can literally be one of the businesses that is pitching. Like when you have a sponsor who does one of the speeches at an event, we can pitch.

Marketing - how will we attract them?

What can we offer them?

Free dev work - Strike a deal with Toby so that the winner gets £X amount of free development services - we can make it appealing to Toby by reminding him that the best idea will likely be a good one, therefore, if he builds some of it for free, he could have a client for life
Free EAH services - Free workshop/experience/time with the accountants to help shape their progress
Exposure - Not sure what format that might be in - maybe a post from Alistair and any others in the network that are big names in the industry/have good reach?

Validation - Give them the chance to vote live on the outcome of the event, also ask questions
First access - Exposure to businesses before they’ve even taken off

How will we attract them to the webinar?

Firstly, can we get cash somehow?
Is it possible for us to get a sponsor that could pay for the marketing of the event?
For instance, we are targeting two clear audiences: startups and VCs.
With startups, do you think it might be possible for one of the accountants who support early stage businesses to sponsor it?
They could do a five minute speech at the beginning OR be on a panel with the accountants talking about the future of the industry and why it’s about to be such a big deal.
As for investors, there are lots of businesses which offer tools to investors to make their jobs easier, maybe there is a way to get them to sponsor?
We can be very transparent and say that all the sponsorship will go on advertising - it’s a not for profit event.

Ads and direct messaging campaigns, could work for both startups and investors

Reddit (*startups)
Posting in the relevant subreddits where people are discussing ideas
Product hunt

No idea, but do they get approached by people with ideas? Or businesses that are looking for funding?

Publications/solus emails etc
and similar - directories of newly registered businesses
Fundraising platforms - like Envestors and Seedrs - they have access to investors and entrepreneurs (they could even possibly be a good sponsor).
Deal scouts - people who find deals for VCs, they could be attendees (in lieu of investors, indirect, but still works)

Combined vision V1

Concept 1

Overall concept: Why accounting should be part of your investment portfolio
5 mins intros
15 mins:
We start with a panel discussion where innovative accountants talk about the trajectory:
Where has accounting come from over X number of years (this should be a long period e.g. 2K years)
In the last X years (e.g. 10 years) The cloud made it XYZ much bigger
Now, we are standing on the precipice of the next largest change:
APIs/Open baking

20 mins:
Showcase - seeing is believing:
We showcase our EAH alumni or upcoming startups, thus demonstrating two things - the quality of the startups we work with, and the potential of the industry. Possible ones:
Us! Can we include a short pitch about us, maybe in the middle or the end (preferably the middle, as people might switch off at the end)
RQ (you mentioned they are raising from angels, so this could be a good fit?)
Could we invite non-EAH startups? Since the purpose is to show investors how good the industry is, that could be the way to achieve it

10 mins:

Main concern -
There is a disconnect between the future of accounting and our startups (with the exception of Seb)


Most important question remains, how will we market it?

Investment focused newsletters

United Kingdom (UK)
City A.M.: A business-focused newspaper and website based in London, known for its financial and investment news. They offer various advertising options including sponsored content and email marketing.
Finextra: While it has a global reach, Finextra has a strong presence in the UK's fintech sector. They offer sponsored content opportunities that can reach a wide audience of financial professionals and investors.
AngelNews: Offering news, insights, and events for the investment community, AngelNews can be a valuable platform for reaching angel investors through sponsored content and targeted emails.
TechCrunch UK: The UK edition of TechCrunch can provide a tech-savvy audience of investors interested in startups and technology innovations.
Australian Financial Review (AFR): Considered the authority on business, finance, and investment news in Australia, AFR offers advertising opportunities that can reach a sophisticated audience of investors and financial professionals.
Anthill Online: Focused on startups, innovation, and investment, Anthill is an Australian publication that caters to entrepreneurs and investors. They offer various advertising and sponsorship opportunities.
Startup Daily: Part of the Pinstripe Media Group, Startup Daily covers tech startups and growth companies in Australia and New Zealand. They offer sponsored content opportunities that can target investors interested in the startup ecosystem.
Australian Investment Network: Connecting startups with angel investors, this platform could offer targeted outreach opportunities through email blasts to their network of investors.
FinTech Australia: As the leading fintech industry body in Australia, partnering with FinTech Australia for sponsored content or email marketing can directly reach fintech investors and innovators.

Linkedin and Twitter

Ads and direct messaging campaigns

Angel groups

United Kingdom (UK)
UK Business Angels Association (UKBAA): As the national trade association for angel and early-stage investment, partnering with UKBAA can offer extensive reach to angel investors across the UK through their events, workshops, and newsletters.
London Business Angels (LBA): One of the oldest and most established angel investment networks in the UK, LBA could provide a direct channel to active angel investors in London and beyond.
Angel CoFund: A co-investment fund that collaborates with business angel syndicates from across the UK, offering a unique partnership opportunity to access a broad network of investors.
Cambridge Angels: A group of high-net-worth investors specializing in technology, life sciences, and other high-growth sectors in Cambridge and the surrounding areas.
Scottish Angels: With a focus on Scotland, this network brings together investors interested in Scottish startups and growth companies.
Australian Investment Network: Connecting startups with a wide range of investors across Australia, this platform can be an excellent partner for reaching angel investors interested in the latest investment opportunities.
Sydney Angels: An angel group based in Sydney that provides funding and advice to early-stage startups. Partnering with them can give access to their events and member network.
Melbourne Angels: Similar to Sydney Angels but based in Melbourne, this group is dedicated to supporting the startup ecosystem with investments and expertise.
Scale Investors: Focused on empowering female entrepreneurs and investors, Scale offers a unique angle for partnerships aiming at a diverse investor audience.
Innovation Bay: A community for technology entrepreneurs and investors, hosting regular pitch events and networking opportunities across major Australian cities.


Advertise on Podcasts
Post it on Eventbrite
Google ads
Industry influencers
Fundraising platforms - like Envestors and Seedrs - they have access to investors (they could even possibly be a good sponsor).
Deal scouts - people who find deals for VCs, they could be attendees (in lieu of investors, indirect, but still works)

Webinar concepts from AI

Disruptive Innovations in Accounting: Unveiling Next Big Investment Opportunities
Highlight disruptive technologies and business models emerging in the accounting space that promise high growth and return on investment. Showcase startups from EAH's portfolio that are leading these innovations, focusing on their market potential, scalability, and how they're positioned to capitalize on current and future accounting industry trends.
The Investment Landscape in Accounting Tech: Where the Smart Money Is Going
An analytical dive into the investment trends within the accounting tech sector, highlighting areas with the highest growth potential. Discuss the macroeconomic factors influencing these trends and feature talks from seasoned investors who have successfully capitalized on these movements.
From Validation to Scale: Building High-Value Startups in Accounting Tech
Focus on the journey of startups within the accounting tech space from idea validation to scaling globally. Discuss the role of strategic investments, partnerships, and innovation in accelerating growth, with EAH success stories to illustrate these pathways.
Emerging Markets and Accounting Tech: Identifying Untapped Potential
Explore emerging markets or niches within the accounting sector that are ripe for innovation and investment. Discuss the unique challenges and opportunities these markets present, showcasing how startups backed by EAH are well-positioned to lead and capture significant market shares.
Technology Transformations: AI, Blockchain, and the Future of Accounting
Deep dive into how technologies like AI and blockchain are set to revolutionize the accounting industry, from improving accuracy and efficiency to opening new service verticals. Discuss the investment potential in startups that are pioneering these technologies within the accounting space.
Investor Roundtable: Navigating Risks and Seizing Opportunities in Accounting Tech
An interactive roundtable with experienced investors in the accounting and fintech sectors, discussing how to navigate the current investment landscape, assess risks, and identify high-potential opportunities. This session could include live Q&A, allowing participants to engage directly with investors.
The EAH Edge: How Our Model Magnifies Investment Returns
Present the unique value proposition of EAH, focusing on its model of combining idea validation with equity investment to create a highly attractive opportunity for investors. Discuss the strategic advantages of investing in startups that have undergone EAH’s rigorous validation process.
Scaling Globally: How Accounting Tech Startups Can Win International Markets
Focus on the strategies for scaling accounting tech startups globally, including overcoming regulatory hurdles, understanding market nuances, and leveraging local partnerships. Highlight EAH's role in facilitating international expansion for its startups.

Message for Adi

Hey Adi! Yohan and I are hoping you might be able to help us with something -
We are at odds on which direction to take the webinar in, so we’re hoping (if you have time) maybe you can help us to get to a quicker conclusion/cast a final vote.
What’s absolutely clear is the focus: we want to make sure this has the maximum appeal to investors so that we can use it as a lead magnet, but we’re not sure of the best way to achieve that. I’ll share a few ideas below, but to avoid bias, I won’t say who has which idea:
Idea one - a startup heavy event:
The focus would be to get as many startups to apply, and pick the highest quality ones to pitch. The pitches are then scrutinised by a panel of accountants and investors.
Risk factor: With limited time, would it actually be possible to find enough really good startups? If we can’t we’ll lose credibility with investors and the event completely backfires. Do investors want this sort of webinar, or do they already have enough deal flow from other sources?
Idea two - a content heavy event:
Focus on getting investors excited about the accounting industry by having speakers (accountants) to talk about the future of the industry, why LLMs, open banking and APIs in general are about to create unicorns in this space.
Risk factor: Is this exciting/unique enough to attract investors? Or is it the sort of thing that they are bombarded with every day, thus saturation means they wouldn’t be interested or consider it valuable?
Idea three - a combination:
Start with a panel session of accountants talking about the future of the industry, as above. Then, invite EAH alumni to talk about their successes, thus reinforcing why accounting is an industry to find startups to invest in.
Risk factor: Are the startups we have easy access to (e.g. our Alumni) exciting enough to reinforce the messaging that happens in the panel session at the beginning?
Idea four - the Adi Special:
We’d love to hear if you have a completely different idea too!

In short, there are pros and cons to all of these, and maybe there’s something completely different that you might be able to suggest, but given the timeframes, we do want to make sure we get this right from the beginning!
Any and all thoughts would be really appreciate but, as always, please do feel free to let us know if you don’t have time at the moment as we value your time!

Plan of action/implementation

Step 1 - Determine webinar content - Yohan

Review Adi’s messages
Finalise what the topics will be, remembering:
Should be clear funnel leading to call to action - if you like the accounting industry, and want to get diversified access to a portfolio in this space, we are the ones!
Why accounting is exciting

8-4-24 - Yohan’s notes on the webinar - raw notes

Overall framing
Everybody knows Fintech, many VC and investors specialise in that industry
But under Fintech there is a small niche, not very well known for industry outsiders called accounting tech
Opportunities are usually only accessible to angels who have exited start-ups in the space or high-net worth accountants
This is an opportunity for outsiders to learn and get access to this industry
One liner
Why accounting tech? Why now?
One-and-a-half trillion market
Been hugely transformed by tech in last few decades
Huge opportunities, moving forward
One of the industries that tech has had the most disruption and impact, creating many losers and some clear winners- On the accounting firm side and the software that services them and the client
Many jobs will be eliminated, but eventually the profession will be liberated from manual, repetitive low-value work, which will completely change what they do their relationship with clients, and how they support the backbone of the economy- SMEs
Panel discussion
Intro, what is accounting tech?
- We see accounting tech as software built for accountants as users or their clients (accountants are a channel) or a mix of both
Speaker intros Who, they are why are they excited about the future of accounting tech?
Will AI take your job
How do you see your firm transformed in the next five years?
What are the most fundamental deep problems in the industry you need solved
What are you most excited about?
What are you doing in your firm to prepare for the future?
Alastair, Jonathan, Sebastian, Ali
General thoughts
Accountants as channel
Xero success
Trusted relationships
Move to outsourced finance
Synergy of finance and operations
General industry trends
Perception journey
I’ve heard about Fintech I’ve never heard about accounting tech
Am I missing out on something?
I know more about accounting Tech and I can see the opportunities that it presents
How do I get in? How to I get exposure/acess

Structuring/formatting the above

Overall framing of the webinar - what is the webinar about?
We are in the process of raising investment into our accounting specific accelerator called Early Adopters hub. The purpose of the webinar is to have a piece of content that we can promote to investors in a less aggressive way (the alternative being to just send them our pitch deck). This way we can show we we are valuable and create more ‘top of funnel’ leads for us to try and close our investment round.
So, given this, we want to create a webinar which highlights the accounting industry, so that investors who are looking for opportunities and otherwise might not have considered accounting will give it some consideration. As part of the webinar, we can then position ourselves to be able to demonstrate that by investing is us, they get access to the excellent accounting industry opportunities.
So, to summarise: Everybody knows Fintech, many VC and investors specialise in that industry, but under Fintech there is a small niche, not very well known for industry outsiders called accounting tech. Opportunities are usually only accessible to angels who have exited start-ups in the space or high-net worth accountants. This is an opportunity for outsiders to learn and get access to this industry. One line that sums up the purpose of the webinar is “Why accounting tech, and why now specifically”?
Some themes that are present, which need to be incorporated into the webinar are as follows:
Accounting tech is a One-and-a-half trillion dollar market. It’s been hugely transformed by tech in last few decades, and with LLMs and other AI, as well as the improvements in open banking, there are huge opportunities, moving forward.
One of the industries that tech has had the most disruption and impact, creating many losers and some clear winners is the the software that the accounting firms use - it’s grown so much and has improved services so much that the industry has evolved dramatically (this is in reference to quickbooks and xero revolutionising the way the industry works with the cloud and also the market place). These evolutions made the barrier to entry so much lower, and thus accelerated competition, which further accelerates things. As we move into the new wave of technology (AI and open banking via enhanced connectivity thanks to APIs and similar), we can see that this massive opportunity is present again, and like before, there are going to be some huge winners.
Many jobs will be eliminated, but eventually the profession will be liberated from manual, repetitive low-value work, which will completely change what they do their relationship with clients, and how they support the backbone of the economy (which is SMEs).

Another general trend is that more companies are moving to outsourced finance functions, where they rely more and more on their accountants to do more and more and become more embedded into their businesses - no longer just compliance, but almost like a fractional CFO type of setup. This is becoming possible now thanks to the level of automation that we can achieve nowadays, and will be even more true as the AI keeps improving.

In terms of how the webinar will actually be completed, here’s the rough structure.
Panel discussion will be the style.
Intro, what is accounting tech?
In terms of the scope of what we are considering as accounting tech, we see accounting tech as software built for accountants as users, but sometimes directly built for their clients (e.g. accountants are a channel to reach the end user, or they go direct to the end user) or in some cases, the tech could provide for both
Speaker intros Who, they are why are they excited about the future of accounting tech?
Will AI take your job
How do you see your firm transformed in the next five years?
What are the most fundamental deep problems in the industry you need solved
What are you most excited about?
What are you doing in your firm to prepare for the future?

Speakers -
Alastair Barlow
Co-Founder of award winning accounting firm flinder
16 Years at PwC in various roles across consulting and assurance
Speaker, judge and advisor to industry forums

Sebastian Trif
Former founder of Aurelia, a fintech startup that obtained $3 million in funding.
5+ years working in corporate Fintech - Transferwise and J.P. Morgan
Now launching a new, accounting specific startup

Jonathan Gaunt
Founded the award winning FD Works
Speaker, Judge, and Industry Advisor, including at the Xero accounting awards
15+ years in senior corporate roles before launching his own firm

Journey - what perceptions do we want attendees to have at each point?
For instance, what do we think they’ll be thinking before they attend, and what we do we want them to be thinking by the time they finish.
Starting with I’ve heard about Fintech I’ve never heard about accounting tech - Am I missing out on something?
Then, during the webinar, it evolves to - I now know more about accounting Tech and I can see the opportunities that it presents
Then - How do I get exposure/access to these opportunities?
Finally, HERE IS EAH. They can help me get easy access to these opportunities.

Step 2 - Build landing page - Ben

Duplicate EAH historic page
Use Eventbrite - Yohan do you have login details? - free for less than 25 people, costs £7.99 for up to 100
Use bespoke webinar software

Purpose of page - to detail key selling points of webinar:
1 sentence intro
3 bullet points, one for each speaker
1 sentence outro with call to action

Call to action:
A two part webform
Name and email
Question: “Are you actively looking for startup investments? (Don’t worry, you can of course still attend if you say no)”

Step 3 - Test the market - Yohan and Ben

Send message to 20 (10 each) random investors on LinkedIn.
We won’t have a date for the webinar by this point, so we need some way to make them feel special, maybe something along the lines of this:
“We are planning on putting on a webinar about [X - short sales pitch], but first we are gauging interest and availability - are you free on Monday the 22nd of April, and if so, would you like to attend?”
Risky one: “Hi [name], we are in the process of putting together a webinar about [x], and your name came up during our research, so before we set a date, I wanted to see if you might be free on [date]?

More ideas from AI

We are excited to announce a webinar about [X - short sales pitch]. Before we finalize the date, we want to ensure it suits our valued participants. Would Monday the 22nd of April work for you? We'd love to have you join us.'
Exclusive First Look Approach:
"Greetings [Name], We're in the exciting phase of organising a webinar focused on [X - short sales pitch], and we believe your insights would be invaluable. As we're in the process of selecting a date, we'd be honoured to consider your schedule. Could you join us on Monday, 22nd of April? Your participation would be a standout addition."
Interest and Availability Inquiry:
"Dear [Name], We are thrilled to be at the preliminary stage of hosting a webinar on [X - short sales pitch]. Recognising your expertise in this area, we'd like to extend an early invitation. To ensure it's a convenient time, may we ask if you're available on Monday, 22nd of April? Your presence would greatly enrich our discussion."
Personalised Invitation with a Twist:
"Hello [Name], As we gear up to launch an insightful webinar on [X - short sales pitch], your profile stood out to us as someone who could contribute greatly to the conversation. We're still fine-tuning the date but wanted to see if Monday, 22nd of April aligns with your calendar. It would be fantastic to have you aboard for what promises to be an engaging session."
Collaborative Scheduling Effort:
"Hi [Name], We're in the early stages of planning a not-to-be-missed webinar on [X - short sales pitch]. Before we lock in the date, we're reaching out to key individuals like yourself to find a day that works best. Does Monday, 22nd of April fit into your schedule? Your attendance would undoubtedly add depth to our discussion."
Feedback-Oriented Approach:
"Dear [Name], As part of our commitment to delivering valuable content, we're putting together a webinar on [X - short sales pitch]. We're currently selecting a date and thought it best to consult with industry experts like you. Would Monday, 22nd of April be a convenient day for you to join us? We're keen to hear your thoughts and make this an event that truly resonates with our audience."

Step 4 (if success at step 3) - Recruit the speakers, finalise the event

As titled :) details when we achieve the first few steps

Step 5 - Marketing

Reach out to angel groups, LinkedkIn, etc etc

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