Easily manage and make calculations with previous and next rows, on any desired order and partition level.
NextRowCategory: This is about next row by first next date, ascending item name, partitioned by category. You need a good unique value column to order. In this case is the combination of date and item because date is too repetitive and item breaks the order (you end with two dead ends, instead of just one).
Visible Row: You can use a simple lookup like NextRowVisible to get previous visible row if you know the order of the table is set to a column and will never change. (Beware of grouping). I think you could use a column “order”, and use buttons to allow sorting by other columns just changing that column “order” value.
RowId is just used to avoid current row. (The
current row id != this row id
conditions helps with at much two duplicated item names.)
Random Order just used to demonstrate formula works independent of view.
You should see a pretty straightforward relation in the next row, calling back the present row as previous row.