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Documentation: Ultimate Gameplay Camera
Ultimate Gameplay Camera

icon picker
System Setup

Installation Tutorial

Game Animation Sample Project Tutorial

ALS v4 Tutorial

You can use the previous video to integrate UGC with ALS V, the only difference is that you should not use the ALS Camera Manager, and you have to add a spring arm component as well as a camera component to the ALS character class.

Lyra Tutorial

You can use the previous video to integrate UGC with Lyra, the only difference is that you should not use the Lyra Camera Manager, you have to inherit from LyraPlayerController and set the camera manager to a child class of BP_UGCCameraManager.
You also have to deactivate the inherited Camera component in B_Hero_ShooterMannequin and add a spring arm component as well as your own camera component to the character class. Be aware that some of Lyra’s camera features may not work or may get replaced in the process.

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