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Development Outline

Organizational Structuring

Organizational Design
Goal: Explore how to design a regenerative enterprise ecosystem of made up of autonomous, interdependent business entities ()
Design Consideration: Pros and Cons of 3 tiered Structure & Ecosystem of Multiple Entities
Organizational Clarification:
Clearly Define Mission, Vision & Purpose for each organization (Purpose, Mission, Vision & Aims)
Design collaborative governance processes, protocols, & policies for organizational structure
MOU and MOA templates can be useful for creating clarity of baseline agreements - should also exist for what use of space etc - as well as any contracted work*
Discuss Pod Initiatives and how that ties in with the business structure of Atlan Business Incubation
More to explore on Enterprise Pods within Atlan LLC vs new entities
Fixed price contracts: preferred but challenging when scope of work is undefined. Creates shared responsibility between independent contractors and Atlan LLC.
Consideration of forming an LLC for running events - will still require insurance - seasonally? - 501c3 fiscal host options * needs decision
Step by Step protocol for how to incubate and form new enterprises
Example: Resorcery
Example: Nursery / Forest Farm & Garden

List of Legal Entity Structures Being Discussed

LLC - Limited Liability Company
Clarifying details of our insurance policy
Update contract for events
Land use and development meetings

L3C - example of Sociocratic Constitution -
The reasons, Planetary CARE is using an L3C are:
a) strong internal clarity that our primary purpose is social good;
b) ability to have volunteers and pro bono professionals without risk of violating employee laws;
c) ability to structure as a cooperative;
d) ability to add a new class for investors;
e) internal clarity that we need to earn money while doing our social good efforts.
We are currently in a fundraising mode. We chose to issue royalty notes rather than sell equity.
While most internet articles I’ve seen suggest the purpose of L3C is to obtain PRI (program related investment) funds, we have not pursued this due to lack of contacts in these areas.

PMA - Private Membership Association ()
PMA structure
Non-statutory PMA
Taxable or Non-Taxable
Ministry vs. PMA
Concerns around Ministry/Church
Margo’s opinion is that Non-profit orgnaization should be separate entity from PMA
Brings members together for unified purpose
Creates and Hosts events
Norm suggests possibility the PMA
Community events, community agreements, council etc.
Weigh liability protection vs. maintenance of separate entities
Yaniv thinks PMA goes well with non-profit - or that it goes well with private events or private education associations.
Advantage is having agreements about how we would handle conflicts or libality issues via our own private tribunal vs ending up in court.
Perhaps a way for money to come into the project via community dues and membership fees
Could that money be used in the community untaxed - via work trade agreements and possiblity non-profit ministry.
Bank accounts for PMA’s - topic of conversation

Realities of administrative complexities between organizations
Foundation & Trust also to consider - existing Land Trust, CLT and other options
Fiscal sponsorship option to consider

Perpetual Purpose Trust

Liability & Risk
mutual benefits with existing entities
Micro-enterprises - tax structure?
Current Atlan Org Structure
We plan to assess and evolve the organizational structure as needed to further align with the Projects development goals.
Vision Holders Circle
Equity Circle
Stewardship Circle
Pod Circles (Purpose Clarification for all Pods)
Operations Circle
Information Systems
Land Stewardship
Operations Proposals In The Que:
Equity Proposal
Operations Circle Proposal
Project Management Proposal: CODA
Org Structure, Purpose, Roles, & Accountabilities Proposal: Nestr

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