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Generativity Pod

Pod: Purpose, Mission, Vision & Aims

Business and Organization Map & Structure
Revisit & Refine Atlan Mission
With unified purpose explore possible business models
Inspiring Examples of complex business systems (Enspiral)
Business modeling and planning can land in other templates & platforms
to Map out the Ecosystem (2-3 Hour Session)
Business Plan Ideation Process
Seasonal perspective & prioritization
Phasing of Development
Fundraising Strategy - building out fundraising deck for various Projects/Enterprises
Design Holistic Investment/ Equity Models & Investment Roadmap
Draft Equity Proposal
Holistic Accounting
Assess current assets, reallocated equity or ownership as needed to clarify projects.
Create opportunity for compensation for value that is accrued over time
Business Ecosystem Map - ( Participatory Commons )
Existing LLCs, partner LLCs within the community
Contracts, Agreements (Patterns)
Values and Purpose alignment
Business Model
Regenerative Enterprise Incubation
Chaordic Theory
Equity and ValueFlows
Business Plan(s):
Atlan LLC (as part of an org ecosystem)
Event Production
General Contracting
Forest Products
Regenerative Agriculture
Wellness Center
Campground/Short term lodging

Existing Income Streams
Provide necessary clarification as to what determines these categories;
Low Hanging Fruit
Investment / Development Project
Chart of Accounts
Rentals & Leases
Short Term Rentals
Cabin Spaces
Residential Leases
Facility Rentals
Camp Grounds
Sur Surita
Equipment Rentals
Building Credit
Assess everyones credit, create a roadmap for building our credit and further discuss how our credit can benefit the development of the project over the next 5 years during our business ecosystem development charrettes.
here's a short article about on their site -
I think Norm may have started to create an account for Atlan already.
I was exploring the site and created a login a while back but stopped short of connecting accounts which is the step that generates the business credit scores -
There's lots of useful info on the site around equipment financing and other topics that could be important for us to explore as part of our emerging strategy * I will follow up the txt thread about timing for the meeting.
Proposals In The Que

Fundraising Consultants
Jenny Kassan
Lisa Chacon

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