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Ultimate Summer Internship Survival Guide

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Ultimate Summer Internship Survival Guide

The ultimate summer internships survival guide.

Learn from my mistakes

The summer in between my freshman and sophomore year, I was stuck in a cramped one-bedroom apartment in NYC’s East Village with three other roommates. I worked two internships—one was unpaid and the other one I hated. Needless to say, I did not fully prepare and winged it the whole summer. I was passive going into the experience, and then just kind of cruised through, having learned little and networked barely.
If I could do it all over, this is the Coda doc I would have made: With some initial goal setting and structure to keep me honest and productive, plus a little practical life advice along the way.

The internship starts
Mon, Jun 1, 2020
and ends
Mon, Aug 31, 2020

91 days
) of Summer
Some helpful tools
Baby's first OKRs!
Build your network. Learn human empathy.
Think of it like a dry run of adulthood.

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