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How to extract data from tables in multiple Google Docs and combine into one table in Coda

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Google Doc -> Coda Script

// Google Apps Script for one-way data sync from a table in a Google Doc to Coda table from multiple Google Docs in a Google Drive folder
// Author: Al Chen (
// Last Updated: August 6th, 2020
// Notes: Assumes you are using the V8 runtime (
// Coda's library for Google Apps Script: 15IQuWOk8MqT50FDWomh57UqWGH23gjsWVWYFms3ton6L-UHmefYHS9Vl

//////////////// Setup and global variables ////////////////////////////////


// Coda settings
GOOGLE_DOC_COL_NAME = 'Google Doc Link'

// Google Drive folder settings

function runSync() {
var fileCounter = 0
var currentGoogleDocIds = currentFileIds()
var files = getDriveFiles().map(function(file) {
if (currentGoogleDocIds.indexOf(file['id']) == -1) {
fileCounter += 1
var row = getRows(file)
Logger.log(file['name'] + " has been added to Coda.")
Logger.log(fileCounter + " Google Docs have been synced.")

// Get existing Google Doc IDs from Coda table
function currentFileIds() {
var fileIds = CodaAPI.listRows(TARGET_DOC_ID, TARGET_TABLE_ID, {useColumnNames: true}) {
return row['values'][GOOGLE_DOC_COL_NAME].split("")[1]
return fileIds

// Get all Google Docs from a Google Drive folder specified in GOOGLE_DRIVE_FOLDER_ID
function getDriveFiles() {
var filesArray = []
var folder = DriveApp.getFolderById(GOOGLE_DRIVE_FOLDER_ID)
var files = folder.getFiles()
while (files.hasNext()) {
var file =
var fileId = file.getTargetId() ? file.getTargetId() : file.getId()
filesArray.push({id: fileId, name: file.getName()})
return filesArray

// Get table from individual Google Doc
function getRows(file) {
var doc = DocumentApp.openById(file['id']);
var body = doc.getBody()
var table = body.getTables()[0]
var numRows = table.getNumRows()
var cellsArray = []
for (var i = 0; i < numRows; i++) {
row = table.getRow(i)
cellsArray.push({column: row.getCell(0).getText(), value: row.getCell(1).getText()})
cellsArray.push({column: GOOGLE_DOC_COL_NAME, value: '' + file['id']})
return cellsArray

// Add one table of data from a Google Doc to Coda table
function addRowToCoda(rowFromFile) {
var sortedRow = []
var targetColumns = CodaAPI.listColumns(TARGET_DOC_ID, TARGET_TABLE_ID) { {
if (cell['column'] == {
CodaAPI.upsertRows(TARGET_DOC_ID, TARGET_TABLE_ID, {rows: [{'cells': sortedRow}]})
Want to print your doc?
This is not the way.
Try clicking the ⋯ next to your doc name or using a keyboard shortcut (
) instead.