Adam Grant summarizes the message behind his book, , with a quote from Keith Ferrazzi: "I’ll sum up the key to success in one word—generosity.” If you are in a leadership position at your company or looking to be a better teammate, this doc will help you figure out if your actions qualify you as a Giver, Taker, or Matcher based on Adam's definitions below:
Givers - People who enjoy helping others—and frequently do it without any strings attached Takers - People who love to get as much as possible from others and never want to give anything back, unless they absolutely have to Matchers - People that like to keep an even balance of ‘give and take’ (majority of people)
Getting started:
Reflect over the past week on situations you've been in at work and in your personal life Log those situations on the section and click the button for Giver, Taker, or Matcher depending on the decision you made. Clear dummy data here → View all your Google Calendar events in one place and decide if you were a Giver, Taker or Matcher for each event in See for tips on being more of a Giver next week!