3. Recruiting participants to the survey (inviting them in):
💎 NB Summary 💎
Matching up columns with variables in Template. Make sure your CSV lines up with the dynamic variables you created in the Template message in Meta.
Now the survey is live in the bot but it needs to be accessed by the participants. Participants can access surveys in 2 ways:
Notification or Templatemessage. Client can upload a list of contacts to bulk message app and send those people a ‘Template’ message in WhatsApp inviting them to participate in the research.
Survey menu on WhatsApp. Only participants who meet the required demographics will qualify for the survey.
Create WhatsApp link with starter phrase. Recruit people to study by
to the study in WhatsApp that, when clicked, will open WhatsApp to your number and populate the WhatsApp text box with the Starter phrase for the survey. Once they send it, it will take them to the beginning of the survey in the client’s WhatsApp bot number. I.e send WhatsApp link to people in SMS, Facebook Messenger, Email or digital ads with link as button.
The Rather Chat app (explained below) enables template messages or notifications to be sent to participants, inviting them to do the survey.
1. Notification or Template Messages
To send a notification or Template messages:
Submit Template message to Meta with starter phrase as button
Create the Template message layout with external_id and var1 & var2 etc. depending on Template message body
Download a CSV of contacts you want to message: Cell number + dynamic variables in columns that coincide with Template message structure