Bits Will be a Free Site where students, and Teachers Can Find Material,and Resources, It would also have Featurtes That Are Suprise atm
Why is this Imporant?
The Reason Why I'm building this is Simple, Being a Student Isn't easy, Finding your textbooks Is not Easy, at Home You Can Take out a Textbook, Most School Libary's Don't have them, some Universty do, Some Don't. many Stuents End up Paying for Textbooks or Using Sites like Chegg, Which are Fully Pay-to-Use, And no Support As Promised Always.
Okay, So What?
It's not Easy to Get Resources, My Goal with this Site to Make it Easy, Have Textbooks, Work and Other Matriel, Some tools for Teachers, to have their Own Private Pages To share The Online Textbooks they Need with their Class, a Class Homework mangeent Tool, That Works with Other sites like Edmodo