ChatGPT: Anticipating Business Risks | Strategies for Success

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Problem 3: Lack of Appealing B2B GPT Tools & Services

We need to appeal more to B2B, we don’t have a specific MOAT, we can build features and products, but we don’t have our own devise, search engine, ecosystems etc.
We need to work more on this because we cannot compete with competitors on that front, so we need to focus on integrations and having connectivity with other tools to be used easily.
We can consider building stuff like Zapier () that builds stuff on other tools through their automation and there AI tool.
Ex: Gemini B2B users are already in googles ecosystem but ChatGPT is not and their ecosystem building is not a quick task so they can look toward Collaboration, integration etc.

Solution 1: GPT store for businesses

Develop a specialized version of Custom GPT exclusively tailored for enterprise use.
Establish a dedicated interface,, designed specifically for businesses, serving as a GPT store.
Within this platform, showcase a variety of Business GPT templates, including:
Business-specific OpenAI custom bots as templates:
FAQ Bot: A knowledge base bot providing access to company internal documents, akin to a company's wiki.
"In Company Wiki" Bot: Designed to assist users in understanding their company's policies and procedures. For instance, users can interact with a demo template based on OpenAI's internal policies. Subsequently, they can upload their own company documents, modify them accordingly, and deploy the bot as their company's policy guide.
The concept involves facilitating seamless integration of a company's internal knowledge base into an interactive chatbot format. Users can engage with the bot to access information, seek clarification on policies, and even contribute to the bot's knowledge base by uploading their own company documents.
The aim is to streamline access to internal information and enhance communication within the organization, ultimately improving efficiency and productivity.

Solution 2: Collaborative Brainstorming using GPT

Many businesses currently utilize tools like Miro and FigJam for collaborative brainstorming. Interestingly, these tools also integrate OpenAI's APIs.
Imagine if we could create a collaborative experience directly within ChatGPT for business teams.
Here's how it could work: Within a ChatGPT thread or chat, participants could collectively jot down points and ideas. GPT would then be able to answer questions related to these points.
Users could select specific statements and ask GPT to provide feedback by tagging it, saying something like, "Hey GPT, what do you think about this? Please rate this opinion."
The benefit of this approach is that the experience remains within the familiar ChatGPT interface. The only difference is that multiple participants are engaged within the same thread, and GPT actively contributes upon request.
Additionally, GPT could offer summaries, perhaps of the last 100 statements, providing insights and recommendations directly within the chat.
Implementing this solution would be relatively straightforward as the backend infrastructure is already in place, and the frontend is readily available. The necessary changes would mainly involve enabling collaboration within a ChatGPT thread.

Solution 3: Tools ecosystem for OpenAI

Creating a tools ecosystem for OpenAI, much like Microsoft Office, is something we can consider. However, it's not a decision I can make alone; we need input from various stakeholders to ensure it aligns with our company's vision.
Before moving forward, we really need to dive deep into this idea. From a product standpoint, it seems like a logical step, but I want to make sure we've had thorough discussions internally first.
There are a lot of unanswered questions here.
Are we ready to compete in the office software market, especially with Microsoft as our partner?
Can we do a native integration with Microsoft? Can we seamlessly integrate with Microsoft's existing tools, or would that cause friction?
Will they be okay to add Microsoft word and excel as a plug-in to our brainstorming tool?
We've also got to consider how Microsoft might feel about it. While they might be okay with adding their products as plug-ins to our brainstorming tool, making them a native part of our platform could be tricky. They've got their own Co-Pilot tool, and we wouldn't want to step on their toes or disrupt their revenue flow.
For now, this is an extremely nuanced decision; we need more input from stakeholders regarding our company's vision, which is why I have decided to hold off on pursuing this idea.

Solution 4: Micro Apps for Businesses

Explore the concept of micro apps, similar to what tools like Zapier offer through interfaces such as .
Consider whether OpenAI can assist businesses in launching micro apps powered by assistant APIs.
This could involve aiding users in creating interfaces for AI content generation.
However, it's essential to weigh the pros and cons. While technically feasible, creating interfaces may lead users away from the main ChatGPT platform, potentially impacting user engagement and retention.
Despite the apparent benefits, the financial impact could be unfavourable, as it may divert users from the primary platform, resulting in lower actual gains than anticipated. Therefore, while feasible, it may not be the most prudent decision from a business perspective.

Marking: High, Medium, Low (Possibility)
Prioritization 3
GPT store for businesses
Collaborative Brainstorming using GPT
Tools ecosystem for OpenAI
Micro Apps for Businesses
Financial impact/ Monitizaion
Ease of Execution
Priority sequence
(On Hold)
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