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Interview Bit Assignment

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Competition and Collaboration are important aspects of community based learning. Competition is fueled by the human drive to excel while collaboration is driven by the human desire of accomplishment and empowerment (). E-learning product like Duo-Lingo, Quizizz, Mindspark etc have utilized these drives to get users hooked to their product.
The idea here is to instill competition and collaboration in the product and push users to invite their peers on the platform
Present Scenario: InterviewBit platform has competitive feature like a leaderboard and collaborative feature like a discussion forum. However there is not enough pull for the users to utilize these features. Moreover the leaderboard is only performance based and relevant for the users with top 10 points. Thus these features are beneficial only for those users who are inherently motivated.
Solution: We should introduce ‘seek help from a friend’ or ‘challenge a friend’ feature to invite more users on the platform. Seek Help prompt should be triggered when the user is facing difficulty in solving a question. Challenge a friend feature should be triggered when the user has completed the question with a high score. This way we will be satisfying the drive of competition and collaboration will be activating new users to attempt a question
Feature for improving activation
Invite friend to solve questions on interview bit
Use Case
As a user, I should be able to invite my friends to solve questions on InterviewBit
Pre requisite
System should be able to link different social media handle so that they user can send the invitation link on them
Acceptance criterion
User should see the ask a friend button on the bottom of the question
User should see the challenge your friend option after they have submitted their answer and scored 100% marks on the question
On the question page, there should be ask a friend button. On clicking the button a popover should appear. The popover should contain the deeplink of the question page url. User should be able to share this url on following social mediums

The invitee should get 10 new coins if the learner attempts this question on the platform.

On successfully submitting the question and getting the maximum points the text should get change. user should see the following prompt:
Congratulations! You have aced this question. Challenge your friend to beat your record. You will get 10 coins if your friend attempt this question.
Success metrics
Total number of request sent
Total number of requests sent per user
Total number of invitations accepted
Total number of invitations accepted per user
Total number of questions attempted per request accepted
Impact on company objective
This feature will lead to increase in overall website traffic (objective 1)
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