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Dream 11_Assignment
Social Game Play - Prompt

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Gap 2 - Limited Variation in gameplay

Problem Statement: Presently, there are no variation in gameplay. The point system remain largely same across games for all the platform. However users are looking for interesting and more engaged gameplay options.
are two major core drives that drives human motivation and are missing from the current gameplay
How big is this gap ?
~ 72% (N~322) users seek fun and excitement while playing on Dream 11. Giving them more control and engaging gameplay will impact Evasive Explorers & Fantasy Fanatics (~50%)
Assuming ~70% users across the 2 user personas will derive value from this feature. 63 million (~0.5*.7*.180) users will be impacted by solving this gap
High Level Solution
With ‘Contest Builder’ features users will be able to modify the rules of the contest. This will give users sense of empowerment and more control over the gameplay. Moreover contest creator should be incentivized to bring more users to join their contest (cash bonus~5% of prize pool)
Since cricket has seen the maximum adoption (~85% users), following rules modification should be allowed for private contests and contests created by experts and team communities:
One-Inning Show down: Creator can decide if they want to consider only 1st inning, only 2nd inning or best of two innings. This will allow users to participate event after the game has started moreover they will be able to complete the game quickly incase of only 1st inning
Reverse play aka Baazigar contest: Losers take it all contest. Similar to anti-chess, users with least number of points wins the contest. This game type will increase the competitiveness and user will have tweak their strategy to come up with the least optimized team
Custom Scoring: Contest where creator can disable some of the rules and set the scoring for enabled rules
As a contest creator:
I should be able to select the game type and select following setting types while creating a contest:
Innings to be considered, 1st, 2nd or 3rd for game type = One-Inning Show down
Enable/disable rule and edit score allotment when game type = Custom Scoring
As a contest joiner:
I should be able to differentiate between normal contest or a custom contest created through custom builder
For Contest creation
Entry Point: Community>>Create private contest>> Be a match Referee

New Wireframe 3 (2).png

Contest joiners:
New Wireframe 4.png
Success metrics
The W1 retention of Evasive Explorers & Fantasy Fanatics should increase by 50% by introducing this feature. Moreover, we will see an increase in users participating per game. As users who are confident of loosing will try their luck with one inning showdown in the second inning
Proposed hypothesis is that users are likely to increase their participation by 20% after introduction of these features.
Hence this feature will be successful if we have achieved the below revenue;
Monthly Revenue Impact = Total users reached * % Paid users * Average transaction per game per user*Average game played per user per month
~ 63* 0.2 * 50 * (0.2*4) = INR 504 mil per month
Feature wise metrics
Contest builder
Number of contest created with contest builder (D/W/M)
Contest type wise split
% users joining custom contests
Contest type wise split in number of users joining the contest(D/W/M)
Average contest price (overall and type wise)
% contest successfully completed overall and type wise
There are no rows in this table
Future Scope
More Monetization avenues for contest creator
Modularize gameplay with interesting rule and unexpected rewards during the gameplay
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