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Brand Signatures

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Logotype Lockups*

Primary and Stacked Logotypes

Urban Enclaves also comes in the following lockups wherein the mark is only the logotype without the icon:



These are to be used only in the following, specific use cases:
When the logo icon is within the same plane or side of the brand material.
When used inside the house of the ‘Combining the arch & house’ treatment (see )

When placed on website headers.
Otherwise, as much as possible, use the prescribed lockup forms. The Logotype Lockups have been included in the Brand Signatures of Urban Enclaves to help make designing more flexible and versatile for the brand in situations wherein the layout or content would benefit more freedom with logo placement.

Site Logotype

The Site Logotype is to be exclusively used for the entrance signage of their respective developments. It would still follow the first use case of the Primary and Stacked Logotypes, as the Logo Icon may be placed elsewhere in the development’s entrance.


acacia woodlands - mockup - 3.2.png
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