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Rein Entertainment Standards Manual
Brand Signatures

icon picker
Icon with Descriptor


Rein - Logo - 230214Black-03.png
While the icon with descriptor is secondary in priority only to the primary logo lockups, building the recall of the icon is important as it should eventually be able to stand alone to represent the brand. This will need time, effort and repetition so it is best used frequently.
This may be used on smaller applications (i.e. small signages, display photos on applications, stamps, etc.) and instances where the space available is limited and/or small.


The letter R functions as the brand’s icon. Its descriptor is similar to the logo lockups. This lockup can be used on small spaces and applications like square or round spaces.
Rein Entertainment - Turnover-67.png


Color Use

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Rein Entertainment - Turnover-63.png

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Rein Entertainment - Turnover-62.png
The icon with descriptor uses the following colors: Red Rein, Black Void and White. These colors are used on internal applications and brand promotions. Do not use Neon Purple on the logos.
However, it is important to note that the icon with descriptor can adopt the colors of specific projects. The brand colors should only feature on brand promotions and internal materials. They should not take away from the individual visual identities of each film or project. Their identities should always take precedence over the mother brand.

For applications with limited color use, use the black and white versions of the icon with descriptor.
Rein Entertainment - Turnover-64.png
Rein Entertainment - Turnover-65.png

Clear Space

Clear space is a space surrounding the logo set to ensure elements surrounding the logo will not overlap or obscure it. The clear space of the icon with descriptor is equal to quarter (1/4) of the height of the icon.

Rein Entertainment - Turnover-69.png

Minimum Size

Rein Entertainment - Turnover-72.png

The minimum size of the icon with descriptor is at a width of 1.5 inches. This is the smallest possible size that you can use this mark.

Special Case Uses

The brand can make use of the icon without the descriptor on very small applications like a profile photo on Instagram or a favicon that can go as small as 16 x 16 pixels. It’s important to note that this usage is only allowed when the icon exists in the brand’s ecosystem (i.e. the brand’s social media page or website where there are other branded applications).

Rein - IG.png


Avoid the following misuse cases for the icon with descriptor.

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Do not stretch the logo when scaling.
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Do not shear the logo.
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Do not alter the typography of the logo.
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Do not add any gradients to the logo. Even if the colors are on brand.
Rein Entertainment - Turnover-58.png
Do not use patterns on the logo lockups.
Rein Entertainment - Turnover-54.png
Do not alter the composition of the logo.
Rein Entertainment - Turnover-53.png
Do not rotate the logo.
Rein Entertainment - Turnover-56.png
Do not use Neon Purple or other colors not on the palette when placed on internal materials.
Rein Entertainment - Turnover-59.png
Do not add any embellishments to the logo such as drop shadows, bevels, glows, etc.

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