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Abenson Smile Serve Brand Standards Manual
Brand Signatures

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Lock-up with Descriptor


The Lock-up with Descriptor combines the Main Lock-up of the Smile Serve logo with a descriptor to highlight the service offered. Use it in situations when the descriptor of Smile Serve needs to be clearly expressed beside the logo & when representing the brand.

Main Lockup

with descriptor

SS_Descriptor Lockup H.png

Horizontal Lockup

with descriptor

SS_Descriptor Lockup S.png

Color Variations

Primary Color Combinations

SS_Descriptor Color Variations 1.png

Alternate Color Variations

SS_Descriptor Color Variations 2.png

Black & White

SS_Descriptor BW 1.png
SS_Descriptor BW 2.png

Clear Space & Minimum Size

Clear space is the space surrounding the logo set to ensure elements surrounding the logo will not overlap or obscure it.
SS_Descriptor Clear Space S.png
The clear space of the Main Lock-up with Descriptor is equal to two side-by-side dots of the letter “i”.

SS_Descriptor Clear Space H.png
The clear space of the Horizontal Lock-up with Descriptor is equal to two side-by-side dots of the letter “i”.

SS_Descriptor Min Size 1.png
The minimum size of the Main Lock-up with Descriptor is at a height of 1.75 inches. This is the smallest possible size that you can use this mark.

SS_Descriptor Min Size 2.png
The minimum size of the Horizontal Lock-up with Descriptor is at a height of 1 inch. This is the smallest possible size that you can use this mark.


SS_D Misuse V 1.png
Do not compress the logo when scaling.
SS_D Misuse V 3.png
Do not shear the logo.
SS_D Misuse V 5.png
Do not add any effects that skew the logos form or geometry.
SS_D Misuse V 7.png
Do not add any gradients to the logo. Even if the colors are on brand
SS_D Misuse V 2.png
Do not stretch the logo when scaling.
SS_D Misuse V 4.png
Do not slant the logo.
SS_D Misuse V 6.png
Do not use colors or color combinations that are off brand.
SS_D Misuse V 8.png
Do not add any embellishments to the logo such as drop shadows, bevels, glows, etc.

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