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GA4 Ecommerce Reports
Build custom explorations

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Example 2: Landing Pages Exploration

We will create a free form exploration for landing pages. This helps you use segments and understand traffic behavior.
Use case
We'll look at segments from the US and Canada below to see how they convert by making purchases after landing on different pages.
To achieve this, follow these steps:
👉 Go to Explore section.
👉 Create a free form report.
👉 Create segments.
In this case, you will select country ID contains US and CA.
👉 Select dimension as “Landing page + query string”.
👉 Choose several ecommerce metrics.
You might add ecommerce purchases, user conversion rate, total users, active users, etc. It depends on your needs. You just need to click on the plus button to add any values into your custom report.
👉 Add filters.
To achieve a more comprehensive analysis, you may add filters into the reports. As in this example, you can analyze the performance of landing pages by viewing their specific URLs.

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