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GA4 Ecommerce Reports
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Chapter 3: User Attributes

User Attributes Reports provide a comprehensive look at the demographics and characteristics of your website's visitors.
In GA4, navigate to Reports > User Attributes > Overview to begin exploring. This section provides useful information about various user characteristics, such as country, interests, age, and language.
Each user attribute is clickable in the Overview report. This feature enables more in-depth exploration.
📒Let’s look at a practical example.
We want to focus on City attribute.
You can use this tool to compare the performance of your website in different cities. Metrics such as engagement rates, event counts, conversions, and more are available.
To get this data, you can select “view cities” option in overview tab. Alternatively, when you select Demographic details from the left side, you can also choose city dimension and more.
Analytics Demographic details City 2023-11-06 at 1.20.56 AM.jpg
Tip: Apply filters to obtain even more valuable insights, such as google/cpc for paid campaigns. See the screenshot below for this example.
Analytics Demographic details Country 2023-11-06 at 1.47.49 AM.jpg
📚 The following articles could be helpful to customize your reports and understand data filtering in GA4:

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