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GA4 Ecommerce Reports
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Chapter 1: Monetization Reports

🌟 Monetization reports reveal ecommerce data, transactions, products, and ad revenue all at once.
You must set up several events to collect data for your monetization report, but you probably would have anyway. For instance, make sure to create a purchase event to track your purchases.
Now, go to Reports > Monetization in Google Analytics 4.

Monetization Overview 💰

🔎 Monetization reports begin with an overview section. You can switch between the tabs at the top, which show total revenue, purchase revenue, and total ad revenue.
On the right side, you will also see:
Total purchasers (number of users that logged purchase events for a period)
First time purchasers (number of users that completed their first purchase event)
Scroll down for more information on items purchased, , and more. You can customize the reports by adding comparisons.
Tip: This report lets you track revenue generation, including total revenue, purchase revenue, and ad revenue, along with user metrics like the number of total purchasers and first-time purchasers. It also provides detailed insights into items purchased.

Ecommerce Purchases 🛒

Another useful report for observing data trends and patterns for items is ecommerce purchases.
👀 Find it in Reports > Monetization > Ecommerce purchases.
🔎 On the top, there are two graphs for:
Items viewed by Item name over time
Items viewed and Items added to cart by Item name
When you hover your mouse over an item name, you'll see data for that specific item. The bubble chart visualizes data on each item.
Finally, at the bottom, you'll find a data table. This table includes product information about the following metrics:
You can populate this metric with
Items viewed
view_item event
Items added to cart
add_to_cart event
Items purchased
purchase event
Item revenue
purchase and refund events
There are no rows in this table
Tip: You can change the item name by selecting another option from the dimension drop down menu, such as item category, item brand, or item ID. When you choose item brand, for example, you can see which brands are selling better and which ones aren't.

3. Purchase Journey

👀 Find it in Reports > Monetization > Purchase Journey.
🔎 The purchase journey report shows buyers' actions from session start to purchase.
Tip: If many people leave between the checkout step and the final purchase, you may want to investigate high shipping costs or broken buttons. Follow the link to explore more on .

Checkout Journey 💳

👀 Find it in Reports > Monetization > Checkout Journey.
🔎 The checkout journey report provides the number of users who successfully completed each step of the checkout process after beginning their shopping on your eCommerce website or app.
These steps are populated by the following events:
It also shows the abandonment rate, which indicates how many users did not proceed to the next step of the funnel. Review this article on for further information.

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