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Kemet Brand Design

Logo Design for Eco Shine One Ltd. New Brand “Kemet Wearing”

Inspiration and Design

The logo for Eco Shine One's new brand is a blend of new and traditional ideas. It is elegant, luxurious, and modern, drawing inspiration from both Egyptian colors and shapes from provided sources, as well as creating its own unique design.
The logo is a logo mark, composed of a symbol and text. The font used for the text is very similar to the previous logos of the Eco Shine One mother brand, creating an association between brands. The symbol on top is a modern version of the original symbol of Kemet.

Color Scheme

The three primary colors used in the logo are Egyptian blue, terracotta, and yellow/gold. Egyptian blue represents royalty, luxury, and exclusivity, embodying the exclusivity of the brand. Terracotta represents dynamism, earthiness, and modernity, while also speaking to the ceramics made in Egypt, highlighting art and artisans. Yellow/gold represents wealth, prestige, and purity, evoking the sun and sand, circularity, and perfection. Finally, an "off-black" is used to represent abundance, literally meaning "Black Land" in reference to Kemet. This black is also a common shade used in fashion and high-end brands such as YSL, Chanel, and Valentino.

Brand Board and Logo Files

Included in the files are a PDF and PNG file of the logo brand board, featuring the various shades in the color palette as well as a white version of the logo. The final logo was selected because it is faithful to its meaning and is well-suited to belong with the Eco Shine One family of brands.
By combining modern design with traditional roots, a carefully curated color scheme, and thoughtful consideration for association with the mother brand, the new logo is both unique and well-suited for its intended purpose.

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