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Course Homepage

About This Page

This page shows some features that may be helpful, especially if this is your first semester taking an online course at CSU.

Course Homepage Features

Course Homepage.jpeg

Image Above

The above image shows the homepage of PERS 1507 - That’s Fake News! It has several similar features as the general Cougarview Homepage.

Weblinks (Right)

There are similar weblinks that are provided on the CougarView Homepage. Also included is a link to the library resources and a GALILEO search box.


This feature displays this course’s announcement. It will not display announcements from other courses utilizing CougarView.
If you are participating in an online discussion forum and want to be able to respond to any questions or responses to your post, you can receive email notifications from selected discussion forums or all forums. This is also helpful if you post a question for the professor in the question forum and do not want to miss the response. Notification notices will also appear in the top-right side of the course. See the image below.
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This displays due dates of assignments, dates for quizzes, and topic start and end dates for this course only. This calendar can be synced with your electronic calendar in a few different ways, which I have created a tutorial for, should you want to keep organized this way.
You can sync to other calendars such as iCal but this tutorial shows how to do it with Google Calendar because it is a tool that is free and premium subscription provided by CSU.

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