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Learning Asana

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Asana is a tool that we use on a daily basis at AlGooru, and while it offers endless features to improve one’s time-management at work, we want you to note the below important notes.

1. Never leave a task/subtask without an assignee or a due date ❎

Even if you’re assigning tasks/subtasks to yourself, assign yourself to it
If you don’t have a due date for completing a task, always use a tentative and realistic date instead
If you’re assigning a task to someone, make sure to add the corresponding desired due date for them

❌ ✔️

2. Use “Work Requests” to assign tasks to Goorus from other departments 💼

Always add the corresponding “priority” and “team”
Make sure you describe what you need (in the description field) from the assigned Gooru to avoid meetings!


3. Start your day by checking the "My Tasks” section 📅

Asana is a discipline that you could form into a habit
Starting your work with the habit of checking your “My Tasks” section will allow you to have a better understanding of what’s on your plate for the day/week.


4. Keep an eye on your “Inbox” section 🔔

The Asana inbox is more like your email inbox. It notifies you about new comments, likes, tasks assigned, and everything else related to you
You can always avoid meetings and calls by staying updated on your inbox, commenting and collaborating where and when necessary


That was it!

Until we connect again! 👋

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