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A powerful tool for public school special education providers and interventionists to manage the information needed to get through the school year. Made by an SLP.

Why I made the hub

I love the field of speech-language pathology and special education.
I love helping students attain their full potential.
I love watching them grow.
I love watching the lightbulbs go on as the world opens up for them once they have the foundational skills needed to learn.
I do not love:
progress reports
uncertainty and disorganization
more incoming information than a human can manage
I created the SPED Provider Hub to:
Collect session data easily in a simple view and copy/paste to your billing software.
See progress for easy updates to progress reports.
Send an to all teachers with one click of a button.
Accessible via computer, iPhone, and iPad, or platform that has Coda available.

How to get your copy of the Hub?

$49 one time fee gives you:
Your copy of the Hub in Coda
One free online meeting to help with initial setup (via zoom)
Access to a SPED Provider Hub Community
Includes video tutorials
Community interaction
(discount code: reddit22 for 40% off - only 10 codes available)
Want to print your doc?
This is not the way.
Try clicking the ⋯ next to your doc name or using a keyboard shortcut (
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