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AP World History
2. Varieties of Civilizations

Islamic world

Spain and Morocco in west to northern India
heartland in Middle East and Egypt
largely incorporated into Islamic world through Arab Empire
excepting India
century and a half after Muhammad’s death (632 CE)
wide-scale conversion of subjects took longer ()
from around 1000, second major expansion occurred into India, Anatolia, later Balkans
Turkic-speaking recent converts
by 1200, spreading into Southeast, Central Asia and sub-Saharan Africa through Muslim merchants, missionaries
between 1200 and 1450, Arab Empire politically fragmented
Islamic culture/religion remained vibrant in Middle East
cultural encounters with Hindu and Christian civilizations occured in heartland (India, Spain)

Islamic heartland

Abbasid caliphate

Arab dynasty, ruled since 750
in 1200 it was a shadow of its former self
at start of rule: new capital Baghdad; flourishing, prosperous Islamic civilization
political grip slipped away quickly
mid-9th century onwards: many local governors, military commanders asserted autonomy of their regions
still gave formal allegiance to caliph in Baghdad

Turkish rule

turning point
ca. 1000
Turkic-speaking pastoralists from grassland plains of Central Asia
at first, slave soldiers within Abbasid caliphate
as caliphate declined, increasingly took political and military power
ex. in Seljuk Turkic Empire (11th and 12th century): began claiming title “sultan” (Muslim for ruler) instead of “kaghan” (Turkish)
as political power grew, more Turkic-speaking warriors converted to Islam (10th-14th centuries)
major expansion of Islam
Turks became major sustainer of Islam, carrier to new regions

Ottoman Empire

before Ottoman Empire
by 1200: heartland fractured into “sultan-ates”
many ruled by Persian or Turkish military dynasties
13th century: Mongols (pastoral) invaded, ended Abbasid caliphate in 1258, ruled much of Persia for a time
Turkic warrior group that migrated into Anatolia
brought greater long-term political unity to Islamic Middle East, North Africa
by mid-15th century: state encompassed much of Anatolian peninsula, southeastern Europe (Balkans)
acquired substantial Christian population
capital city of Constantinople
16th century: extended to much of Middle East, Egypt, coastal North Africa, lands around Black Sea, farther into Eastern Europe
lasted 14th-20th centuries


enormously significant in world of 15th century and beyond
huge territory
long duration
incorporation of many diverse peoples
economic sophistication
cultural sophistication
in 15th century: only China (Ming dynasty) and Incas matched it in wealth, power, splendor
represented emergence of Turks as dominant people of Islamic world
rule now over many Arabs (who initiated Islam over 800 years before)
claimed legacy of Abbasid Empire
added “caliph” (successor to Prophet) to other titles (including sultan)
sought to bring renewed unity to Islamic world
serve as protector of the faith (”strong sword of Islam”)
along with Safavid dynasty in Persia, 16th century, Ottomans brought to Islamic Middle East greater measure of:
political coherence
military power
economic prosperity
cultural brilliance

Cultural encounters in India

Turkic-speaking warrior groups were also spreading Islam through conquest in India
initiated encounter with ancient Hindu civilization
began around 1000
gave rise to series of Islamic regimes that governed much of India in 19th century
early centuries: violent
invaders smashed Hindu and Buddhist temples
carried off vast quantities of Indian treasure
Turkic rule became more systematic with establishment of Sultanate of Delhi in 1206
Turks’ small numbers, internal conflicts allowed only modest penetration of Indian society

Northern India

substantial Muslim communities emerged
in regions less tightly integrated into dominant Hindu culture
egalitarian aspects attracted:
disillusioned Buddhists
low-caste Hindus
untouchables (considered below lowest caste)
people transitioning into settled agriculture
some converted to avoid tax on non-Muslims
Sufis (holy men) important in facilitating conversion
India always valued “god-filled men” who were detached from worldly affairs


never able to claim more than 20-25% of total population
mostly consentrated in Punjab and Sind regions in northwestern India, Bengal in east
core regions of Hindu culture not seriously challenged by Islam despite centuries of Muslim rule
Muslims usually lived separately from rest of ancient Indian civilization
largely governed but could not completely transform
religious/cultural boundaries were permeable
many prominent Hindus willingly served in Muslim-ruled India

Southern India

beyond Delhi sultanate and sucessors
several Hindu states flourished

Vijayanagar empire

at height: controlled nearly all of southern India
capital city
about 500,000 people
“best provided city in the world” (16th-century European visitor)
sustained, peaceful Hindu-Muslim encounters
Muslim merchants prominent presence in trading ports
Muslim district of capital “as vibrant as the Hindu precincts” (scholar)
Hindu faith dominant, but permanent Muslim presence

Muslim Spain

called al-Andalus by Muslims
sustained cross-cultural encounters
Muslims, Christians, Jews mixed more freely than in India
amount of toleration fluctuated with persecution of other faiths
conquered by Arab and Berber forces during first wave of Islamic expansion
religious reversal between 1200 and 1450
chief significance: role in making Islamic learning available to Christian Europe
European scholars wanted secular knowledge (Greek and Arab) that accumulated in Islam, flocked to Spain to get it

Golden age

vibrant civilization by 900s
most properous agricultural economy in Europe at the time
capital (Córdoba) one of largest, most splendid cities in world
Muslims, Christians, Jews all contributed
astronomy, medicine, arts, architecture, literature flourished
social relationships among upper-class members of different faiths were easy and frequent
by 1000, about 75% converted to Islam
remaining Christians: many learned Arabic, veiled women, stopped eating pork, appreciated Arabic music/poetry, sometimes married Muslims
during reign of Abd al-Rahman III (r. 912-61)
freedom of worship
opportunity for all to rise in bureaucracy

End of golden age

golden age limited and brief
assimilated/Arabized Christians were unbelievers and second-class in Muslim eyes
toleration began to erode
Córdoba-based regime fragmented into rivaling states
warfare with remaining Christian kingdoms in northern Spain picked up in 10th and 11th centuries
puritanical and rigid forms of Islam entered Spain from North Persecution against Christians
official policy of tolerance turned to persecution against Christians
under rule of al-Mansur (r. 981-1002)
plundering of churches
seizure of wealth
al-Mansur still employed Christians mercenaries
social life changed, separating Muslims and Christians
devout Muslims avoided contact with Christians
Christian homes had to be built lower than Muslims’
priests forbidden to carry cross or Bible (offend Muslim sensibilities)
Arabized Christians could only live in particular places

Persecution against Muslims

Christian reconquest of Spain after 1200, ended in 1492 when Ferdinand and Isabella (Catholic monarchs) took Granada (last Muslim stronghold on Iberian peninsula)
initially promised to maintain freedom of Muslims to worship
early 16th century: series of edicts outlawing Islam
forced Muslims to choose conversion or exile
many required to emigrate to North Africa or Ottoman Empire along with 200,000 Jews who also refused to convert
early 17th century: Muslims converted to Christianity also banished
cultural interchange still persisted for a time
Arab texts translated into Latin
Christian churches and palaces built on sites of older mosques, kept some Islamic artistic and architectural features

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