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AP World History
1. Before 1200: Patterns in World History

Interactions and encounters

world history is less about what happened within particular civilizations or cultures than about the interactions/encounters among them
don’t think about particular peoples/civilizations as self-contained or isolated
each was part of a network of relationships with neighboring and distant peoples
networks grew more dense/complex over time


large states often incorporated vast range of peoples
provided opporunities for communicating/borrowing between them
exchange of products, foods, ideas, religions, disease

Commercial exchange

interaction of distant peoples
typically chain of separate transactions—goods travel farther than merchants
networks all across Afro-Eurasian world, and Americas/Oceania formed
altered consumption habits, changed working lives, enabled class distinction, stimulated/sustained creation of states, helped diffuse religion, technology, disease
began well before 1200, persisted well after it

Silk Roads

reference to most famous product (silk)
began around 200 BCE, operated to varying degrees for over 1,500 years
linked China and Mediterranean world and numerous places in between

Sea Roads

Indian Ocean and South China Sea
linked people living between southern China and East Africa

Sand Roads

aka trans-Saharan trade routes
linked North Africa and Mediterranean with interior West Africa


less densely woven than in Afro-Eurasia
still many linkages

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