religious authority
pope, church hierarchy
Bible as interpreted by individuals
role of pope
ultimate authority in faith and doctrine
authority denied
ordination of clergy
apostolic succession: direct line between original opostles and all subsequently ordained clergy
apostolic succession denied; ordination by individual congregations or denominations
importance of church sacraments as channels of God’s grace
importance of faith alone; God’s grace freely and directly granted to believers
status of Mary
highly prominent, ranking just below Jesus; provides constant intercession (pleading prayer) to believers
less prominent; Mary’s intercession on behalf of the faithful denied
to God, but often through or with Mary and saints
to God alone; no role for Mary and saints
Holy Communion
transubstanation: bread and wine become the actual body and blood of Christ
transubstantiation denied; bread and wine have a spiritual or symbolic significance
role of saints
prominent spiritual exemplars and intermediaries betweeen God and humankind
generally disdained as a source of idolatry; saints refer to all Christians