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AP World History

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8. Cold War and Decolonization


8.1-8.3 Cold War


superpowers disagreed about fate of Europe after World War II
democracy (USA)
communism (USSR)
Cold War (1945-1991)
period of competition and hostility between USA and USSR
“cold”: no direct fighting (proxy wars in other nations and areas)
Stalin wanted “buffer zone” to protect USSR from future invasion
Iron Curtain: dividing line separating communist East from democratic West
USA reacted by initiating policy of containment to keep communism from spreading
Truman Doctrine: military help for countries that rejected communism
Marshall Plan: financial aid to rebuild western Europe

Opposing alliances

1949: USA created North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)
USA, Canada, Europe
promised to protect each other if attacked
1955: Stalin created Warsaw Pact (USSR and 7 Eastern Europe communist nations)
non-aligned nations
many nations refused to pick sides
played both sides against each other for their benefit

In Germany

Two Germanies, two Berlins

Germany and Berlin divided into four zones (USA, Britain, France, USSR)
east: communist
west: democratic
island of democracy surrounded by communist control
Stalin tried to starve democracy out
blockaded all roads into West Berlin (Jun. 1948)
Berlin Airlift (Jun. 1948 - May 1949): 24/7 planes to airlift supplies to West Berlin
considered first “battle” of Cold War

Berlin Wall (1961)

West Berlin was more prosperous than East Berlin; many Germans fled to West
USSR built wall around West Berlin to stop people from leaving communist East
became bigger, more security, more deadly over decades
stood for 28 years; fell in 1989


Arms race

USA had nuclear monopoly after WWII until USSR tested its first atomic bomb (1949)
USA created hydrogen bomb (1952) that was 1000x more powerful; USSR developed too (1953)
arms race: each side raced to build more bombs and bigger bombs
Brinkmanship: each side willing to go to the brink (edge) of war
Mutually Assured Destruction (MAD): attacking first did not guarantee safety

Space Race

Oct. 1957: USSR launched Sputnik (first satellite in orbit)
Americans fell behind
created NASA
increased education in math/science
Nov. 1957: USSR launched Sputnik 2 with Laika on board (first living organism sent into space)
Jan. 1961: USA sent Ham (chimpanzee)
Apr. 1961: USSR sent Yuri Gagarin (first man into space)
Jun. 1963: USSR sent Valentina Tereshkova (first woman) for three days in orbit
1965: USSR did first space walk; USA sent first satellite to Mars
1968: USA was first to reach the moon (orbit and return)
1969: USA sent Neil Armstrong (first man to walk on the moon)

8.4 Cold War in Asia


History review

1800s: Century of Humiliation
Opium War
unequal treaties
1911: Xinhai Revolution
imperial rule ended
China became republic
Kuomintang (KMT) Nationalist Party took control of China
1919: May 4th Movement
protests against Japanese control of China
led to creation of Communist Party in China

Chinese Civil War (1927-1949)

nationalists (Chiang Kai-shek) vs. communists (Mao Zedong)
communists losing badly
1934: Mao Zedong led Long March
retreated 6,000 miles over 368 days
Mao became undisputed leader of Communist Party
1937: Japan invaded China; KMT and communists allied to fight Japan
1945: Japan defeated; Civil War resumed
1949: communists won Civil War
Mao became dictator of China
KMT nationalists fled to Taiwan
created two Chinas
People’s Republic of China
Mao Zedong
Republic of China (Taiwan)
Chiang Kai-shek

Compared to USSR

China attempted to copy USSR
1950: Land Reform
Mao returned land to peasants to rid China of landlord class
peasants sought retribution through Speak Bitterness campaigns
pubic hearings; peasants confronted landlords
1953-1957: First Five Year Plan
aided by USSR
rapid industrialization
heavy industries
urban factories
led to impressive economic growth and rapid urbanization
improvements in literacy, education created technically-trained workforce
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