Your (Ad)Venture Journey

Share where you are in your journey
Are you a Start Up or have an idea you want to start?
Are you an established Venture?
Are you an intraprenuer?
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The Selection Option are little confusing How or where to edit the questions?

Are you a young startup at an early stage? Y / N > Go to Your StartUp Journey > Your Idea > Your Ambition > Know You >
Are you a small venture getting ready for Product-Market Fit? Y/N > Your Venture Journey > Company > Your Offer > Your Ambition > Know You >
Are you a Business Owner, Intraprenuer, Soloprenuer? > Your Business Journey (New Page to be added into report also) > Company > Your Offer > Your Ambition > Know You >
Call to Action
Need Team Sessions Recommendations > New Data Table to Created as a Report > Book a Call for a quote - Calendly Account Need 60 Min Mentor Call - Calendly Account $10 (India) - $50 (USA) Proceeds are given to Charity
Need 120 Min Consultation Call and Recommendation Report -
If above is yes only then > Go to Great! > Frame your Biz Challenge > Issues and Constraints > Capacity (Commitment) > Finish
After confirmation - Calendly Account

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