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Design Thinking

“Design thinking is about accelerating innovation to create better solutions to the challenges facing business and society. It starts with people, what we call Human-Centered Design and applies the creative tools of design, like storytelling, prototyping, and experimentation to deliver new breakthrough innovations.”

🍥 What is Design Thinking?

Simply put Design Thinking is a creative accelerated problem solving approach, that encourages us to think and do like a designer. It brings together what is desirable from a human point of view, with what is technologically feasible and economically viable.
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It helps teams break through their limiting assumptions of what is possible. It creates deep empathy and gets us out of the abstract debate over ideas in meeting rooms, to a place where we can collaboratively create and test tangible concepts.

🧠 D. Mindset

More than a process or how to apply Design Thinking, at the core it is a mindset. It is a way of thinking, using empathy, divergent thinking, collaboration and doing.

🌍 Behaviours Needed

Implemented in daily work, the problem solving potential of Design Thinking finds its expression in the form of a living innovation culture. For it to thrive, leaders need to create the required conditional collaborative behaviours in their organisations and teams.

🎭 DT in Action - Bank of America Example

Feeling in Control: Bank of America Helps Customers to “Keep the Change”
In 2004, Bank of America along with the team at IDEO work on a challenge to boost their new account openings.
They were especially interested in the customer segment of boomer generation, women with children. A team of 5 from BoA along with researchers spoke with “people who were great at saving, and people who struggled with it, taking inspiration from some of the existing, every-day habits people have around savings“. They observed a dozen families, and followed mothers around when they went shopping or dining. Soon, they realized an interesting pattern: In many families, mothers were in charge of managing finances. An extreme group in this pattern turned out to be single mothers: They are often on a tight budget and have to keep track of their spending meticulously.
Finding Insights
one woman rounded up her checkbook numbers for easier calculations and a buffer
mothers struggle with saving money because they have nothing to put aside, or because of impulse buying
team of product managers, finance experts, software engineers, and operation experts for brainstorming: 20 brainstorming sessions, 80 product concepts, 1 favored idea
Prototype and Testing
a cartoon video displaying the service was shown to 1600 testers and surveyed
a summary of the rounded-up transactions in the account
a feature preventing a rounding-up transfer from pushing the user’s account into overdraft
a promotion: Bank of America matches the saving at 100 per cent for the first three months
There are no rows in this table
Keep the Change Promotional Video

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