icon picker
Barebones for Friday (Sprint 1)

Database additional

Number of surveys completed
Finishing survey = +1 to completes
Display to user in Survey Menu
Bad actor score: Yazi does quality assessment, if we find “bad actors” then Yazi can mark user as bad actor and exclude them from being able to complete surveys.

Survey design for user & capability

Multi select (specify only certain characters can be sent). E.g A, B, C for multi-select with 3 options
Review answers after completing survey or signup: Mon has setup for demographic signup already. E.g below

Demo of Menu’s

Main Menu
Screenshot 2022-11-15 at 12.07.05.png
Main Menu

1. Surveys ✍️
2. Questions (FAQ) ❓
3. Profile 👤

Survey Menu
Screenshot 2022-11-15 at 12.07.23.png
Survey Menu ✍️
Surveys completed: 3

1. Bank survey (R2k win)
2. Work survey (R1k win)
3. Back

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