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24 April

icon picker
Lwanda's big day


It looks like there are still some full width graphs. Have you made them all small? It maybe because there is no text next to them to reduce though

Coding it up

I want you to create python code that creates 2 tables, one is for straight-line checking/analysis and the other is the answers with fail columns
You need to convert raw survey responses into a table with user IDs going down the rows and question heading columns.
This task is all about data accuracy - we are checking timing and answer pattern. Our 2 resources
JSON code
109 JSON code.json
18.5 kB

JSON Code extract example

Here is a question example to show you how it is structured:
How has loadshedding affected your ice-cream promotions, i.e. Sell ice-cream tubs in bulk or on promotions
(i.e. 2 for the price of 1 deals)?
Much less open to ice-cream promotions
Slightly less open to ice-cream promotions
No impact - same as before
Slightly more open to ice-cream promotions
Much more open to ice-cream promotions

Tables to create

Straight lining - Create a new table that converts raw survey responses into a table with user IDs going down the rows and question heading columns. But, all the multiple choice answers ("type": "multiple",) need to be numbers - the number the answer was in the question. I.e. if someone said: “No impact - same as before” in above then the answer in the column for that question would be 3. The way you will code this is by looking up the responseQuestionId in the raw response data URL against the sequence in the JSON code file shared above.
Make userId in column A
Questions must be in ascending order (see my prompt in chatgpt - link below)
I am unsure exactly how to assess this so the best thing might be to ask chatgpt the best method to detect fraudsters or people who are negligent and answer the same
Answers table - Create a new table that converts raw survey responses into a table with user IDs going down the rows and question heading column. Then add the following columns

Columns to add to Answers table:

Average response time (sec) - You must calculate the average time between each response per user in seconds
Response time check - If response ave time is less than 7sec then mark as Fail, otherwise Pass
Straight lines - count how many times the answer sequence is the same for 3 answers. E.g the following would output 2 as A’s and E’s appear 3 or more times in answers: A, A, A, B, C,D, E, E, E, E, D
Straight-line checker - if there are 2 or more repeats of 3 then Fail, otherwise Pass
Straight-lining table
User ID
question 1
Question 2
Question 3
There are no rows in this table

Example table
User ID
question 1
Question 2 (etc.)
Question 3 (etc.)
Average response time (sec)
Response time check
Straight lines
There are no rows in this table

Prompts I have already give that may help

Screenshot 2023-04-28 at 07.56.03.png
Great, now I want you to turn all multiple choice options into numbers. The number the answer will be turned into will be based on the order that the option was presented to the respondent in.
Below options is where the multiple choice options are displayed. They are displayed in the order that is presented to the survey respondent. Here is an example to show
{{lwanda Insert json}}
How has loadshedding affected your ice-cream promotions, i.e. Sell ice-cream tubs in bulk or on promotions
(i.e. 2 for the price of 1 deals)?
Much less open to ice-cream promotions
Slightly less open to ice-cream promotions
No impact - same as before
Slightly more open to ice-cream promotions
Much more open to ice-cream promotions

Prompt idea for straight lining

Convert responseAnswer into the placement number or order number that it is listed in, in the actual survey. To know what number to convert it to, we need to look it up using the 109 JSON code.json file and lookup the answer using the responseQuestionId in the survey response table with the questionKey in the JSON

Old Prompt

I made a mistake, I want you to arrange it in python, not sheets (going back to our previous step in replit)

The data is in the following format:
- Column A: userId
- Column B: userName
- Column C: responseTimestamp
- Column D: responseQuestionId
- Column E: responseAnswer

I want you to reformat the data so that each question ID is a heading in each column and each row is a unique user

I also want to add 2 time stamp columns:
- Column B: Survey start
- Column C: Survey end

Survey start value: the earliest time stamp (from responseTimestamp) from a user
Survey end value: the last time stamp (from responseTimestamp) from a user

old prompt 2

Great. Now I want us to update the code so that the columns are in a specific order using responseQuestionId as the attribute to sort on.

responseQuestionId is contains a string with a number in the middle of the string after the letter 'q'. E.g. '109_q10_mcq' & '109_q13_mcq'. In this instance, the numbers are 10 & 13

I want you so sort the columns in ascending order based on the number after the letter q. Add this to the python code above


Create agents in first 2 videos (replit and nick renotte
Tools needed (well, I am not 100% sure so you can also figure out but seems like)
Visual studio
AutoGPT videos
LangChain Crash Course: Build a AutoGPT app in 25 minutes!
great vid - seems like a good Tuber
I want you to implement exactly what he does
What can you do with Autonomous Agents? Auto GPT & Replit = The fastest way to spin up an Agent
replit → seems insanely quick to do
I want you to try too
AutoGPT Tutorial - Create Your Own AI Agents!
Set limits on usage
Create agent
Not sure what IDE
Agent GPT deploys auto gpt on the browser | AgentGPT - Beginners tutorial | No Code AI agents
uses Agent GPT (pretty simple looks like
He asks to build AI newsletter
AutoGPT Tutorial - More Exciting Than ChatGPT
on mac which might not be ideal
There are no rows in this table
OpenAI: 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

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