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LinkedIn Post

It was decided that the website led users to believe that we had a fully-fledged product by listing pricing on the website. By having a site that suggests product maturity, you lose out on the ability to get early feedback from our surrounding network. It also removes the ability for us to iteratively test certain variables on the website. Thus we removed the pricing and participants page on the website.
New CTA’s created on the site that say “Apply for early access” and “Get early access”. A register or apply page was also created with a mockup of the future dashboard to suggest to users that by applying for early access they would get access to the dashboard. Louis, Alex and Tim then planned to do LinkedIn posts about launching AI-BO in early August as an experiment to see if people sign up for early access.

The experiment criteria:

If 10 or more people sign up then we have validated that people/businesses are interested in trying AI-BO.

Alex, Louis, Tim, The Delta, Natalie all did LinkedIn posts to test whether people’s desire to use AI-BO as a product. The success metric was when a person:
Registers for early access
Books a meeting with me using the Calendly link


New website views
Calendly meet bookings
Early access registrations
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