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MatcHR's Employee Handbook Published
Matchr's Employee Handbook

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Hiring process

Getting people in

We are continuously looking for great people to join our team. Please share as much info regarding MatcHR on your own social as you feel comfortable with and don’t forget to use the tag #matchr.

Referral program

Secondly we offer a referral reward for everyone that gets hired via you! After your referral has been hired you get to draw a price from the ‘magic’ box that you will virtually draw your price from at the Friday shout outs.
If you bring a referral that gets hired via you. You get a 150 EUR reward! A referral is defined as someone that you have actively sourced, engaged with and made enthusiastic for MatcHR.

Hiring process MatcHR

Please make sure that you keep all interview notes and scorecards in Loxo and that you move a candidate through the process after each round.
The scorecards helps us make an objective assessment, facilitate an evaluation on the points where opinions deviate and allow us to reflect on our own assessment skills. Make sure to discuss all feedback after each round and save all your notes on the one drive.
Whatever stage you are having the interview in make sure that you are prepared and that you can assess a candidate taking into account the feedback from the previous round(s). Is there doubt whether this person is a team player? Make sure to zoom in on this and ask questions that could reveal whether he/she is or isn’t. Every step is as important as the previous steps so take it seriously. Whom we hire is crucial for our success so the quality of our hiring process is crucial as well.

Our hiring process:

Round 4: 30/60/90 day plan for team leads (2 hours)
Round 6/7: Job offer🍾 (Fixed template)
The scorecard: to be filled in after each round

Our hiring process “rules”:

Schedule next IV round within 48 hours.
Manage candidates in a way to be flexible in their availability to make sure we can move quickly
Maarten or Adriaan need to be scheduled at 2nd IV round.
Recruitment leads need to be scheduled at the Job sample for recruiters
Sourcing leads need to be scheduled at the Job sample for sourcers
Update everything in Loxo including the Google Drive sheet with the scorecard
Be specific on strengths and concerns and give guidance to the next interviewers what to pay specific attention on
In case of doubt... Don’t do it

What to keep in mind when discussing a candidate

Don't underestimate the power of a good (or bad) Fit. Don't hire people you wouldn't enjoy working with. Usually when in serious doubt, don’t proceed.
Nobody is seeing the whole picture, so fight arguments that are opinions being brought as facts.
Extravert people who work longer at MatcHR tend to dominate the discussion. Seniority counts, sure. But it's important to weigh up everyone's opinion. Ask each other questions if you feel like not everybody is speaking up. In general: always have the more junior person give his / her opinion first.
The hiring manager has the final say and will facilitate the discussion.
If you continue to disagree, try asking a third party to the table (Adriaan/Maarten) to moderate the discussion.
If you are 80% sure, that's a good score. It's impossible to know everything based on a resume, an assignment and an interview.
Always take a look at the original job profile from when you started your hunt for a new colleague and use the scorecard for the discussions as it reflect the criteria we look for in our hires. Does this person check all the boxes? Where did we compromise? Are we okay with that?

Other useful resources

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