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Village Halls Domesday Book 2021
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Village halls in Shropshire
Ashford Carbonel Village Hall
Our Hall was built in 1911 and has since been extended twice. Together with the adjacent sports and recreational field it forms the hub of our village of 160 dwellings, about one third of which have single occupants. The Hall hosted a wide variety of events and activities until the first lockdown forced us to close. Subsequently in March 2020 a community email newsletter was set up, food deliveries from local businesses were arranged and a support network established. When allowed we held morning coffee, afternoon teas and pub nights in and out of doors. To raise money and our spirits, we opened our gardens to fellow villagers with timed appointments and an honesty stall for surplus plants and produce. Realising gardens were our salvation, we wrote a book ‘Gardens under Lockdown’ with contributions from eight to eighty year-olds, full of tips, activities and beautiful illustrations. Ten per cent of the profits went to our local food bank. Later in the year morning coffee and cake became a takeaway service as did a soup kitchen. Our Christmas fairs, carol concert and Candlefest were all held outdoors. As 2021 begins we have coffee mornings, a wine tasting and a poetry recital for Valentine’s day all online. The book exchange has been expanded to include jigsaws. Children continue to play on our field, which will have a new wildlife area this summer. We are now planning activities for when we come out of lockdown. We shall continue to provide, as we have done for a hundred and ten years, a venue, events and activities which cater for all ages and abilities, thus cementing the social fabric of our village.
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Bicton Village Hall
Many community groups access the village hall including WI, Parish Council, keep fit, coffee mornings, mothers and toddlers etc for the community. We organise a Summer fete which is a great event bringing the whole community together for both young and old. We would like to continue to provide community events and support for our community.
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Brownlow Community Centre
Lord Brownlow gifted this ex C of E Junior School for Boys and Girls to Whitchurch and surrounding areas in 1982 for use as a Community Centre after it ceased to be used as a school. Today its main user is Little Bears Daycare, a registered charity supporting local young families with a range of services to include baby creches, breakfast and after schools club plus holiday clubs Mon-Fri, 8am to 6pm. The Centre’s longest user is Whitchurch Weighlifters Gym started in June 1982 with weekly regular evening user groups including 2 Line Dance Clubs, Whitchurch Band practice nights, a social club for persons with special educational needs, a contemporary fitness and exercise club, Little Voices West Cheshire singing and drama classes, a school for Pop music, Pilates sessions and council welfare meetings/sessions. Its main hall is very popular for children's parties and it also has for hire a mid sized room for up to 30 persons and a small meeting room for 8/10 persons. At present all projects are on hold that include refurbishment of ex-staffroom and storage area into another hirable facility, provision of purpose made parking facilities for dis-abled vehicles, automatic sensor doors, replacement of the main hall’s original block floor and the installation of double-glazed window units to some areas not already upgraded. The Centre got into financial difficulties in the late 1990’s, was involved in “fire fighting exercises” for almost a decade starting 1999, managed to attract a strong combination of Holding Trustees and Management Committee Members and then Covid-19 came along!! At present we are optimistic of being able to retain this marvelous facility for the benefit of the local Community but concerned about working on projects in case the money runs out.
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Buildwas Village Hall
Buildwas Village Hall has been part of the community in Buildwas since it was built in 1954. Over the years it has been available for the residents of Buildwas and local villages for family events and celebrations; village organisations (such as the village church) fund raising events and meetings; annual pantos by The Buildwas Players; music nights; our monthly community meals; and a weekly whist club. The hall is also used by our village Primary school for assemblies / productions / presentation evenings etc. The hall has been closed to general bookings during the COVID19 lockdown, but has been running a Meals on Wheels project since July 2020, delivering hot meals on weekday lunchtimes to elderly residents in Buildwas and neighbouring villages who otherwise can’t go shopping (or don’t have access to online shopping) as they are shielding. This has been funded by Shropshire Council, The National Lottery Community Fund, and the Co-op Emergency Food Fund. The committee are looking forward to the hall being fully open so village life can flourish once again.
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Chelmarsh Parish Hall
Founded in the 1930’s, the Hall has been the home for many local groups and the centre of village activities, including running the annual Fete for over 40 years. The challenge today is keeping the Hall relevant to villagers with changing lifestyles. We have an active Committee, and are working to make the Hall more energy efficient and cheaper to heat, so hire charges can be kept low.
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Cosy Hall
Cosy Hall was donated to the Cosy Hall Charity for the sum of £1. It was a derelict building having been a Music Hall called Cosy Hall) and prior to that a Gospel Hall but started life as a coach manufactory in 1852. Renovated and restored phase one opened in 1985. It was enlarged in 1998 and serves the market town of Newport in Shropshire. It is heavily used by fitness groups, choirs, art classes and hosts meetings and other gatherings including parties. Unfortunately it has been closed since the start of the pandemic but we have taken the opportunity to have a new boiler fitted and all the internal lights upgraded to LEDs. We are now proud to be serving the community in the Covid-19 fight as from 3rd February it will be used as a rapid test centre run by Telford and Wrekin Council.
Criftins Parish Hall & Palying Field
Criftins Parish Hall has been serving the community of Dudleston Heath for 60 years. A new forward-looking committee took over in Nov 2020, and despite the pandemic were able to host a Christmas Lunch for volunteers and local residents. In 2021 we look forward to re-opening and making the Hall a real village hub once again.
Cruckton Village Hall
This was the village school for Cruckmeole and the surrounding area until 1969. When the school closed, it was bought as a memorial to the Cruckton Home Guard to be the village hall. The WI and local Art Group meet here, as well as being the venue for lively dance classes.
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Edstaston Village Hall
Ellerdine Village Hall
Even though our hall is currently closed we are staying connected with the community and we have plenty of volunteers locally to support anyone who needs help to collect shopping, go for a walk, or a friendly chat. We delivered 80 festive afternoon teas before Christmas and 80 selection boxes to children in the local villages. Our hope for the future is to offer our refurbished hall for lots of uses and to encourage people to meet again for much needed community activity.
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Knowbury Memorial Hall
The Memorial Hall was officially opened on Saturday 29 November 1958. The origional trust deed stated that represatives on the committee would be all the village organisations such as church, chapel,Parish Council, WI, British Legion etc. Prior to that there was a small parish room which belonged to and attached to the churchused by the village for socials as well as church activities. A number of villagers felt at the end of the war, it would be appropiate to build a hall as a memorial to those village menwho fought and those who gave their lives during the war. A public meeting was held ihn the Knowbury Chapel on 6th June 1944 where there was a unaminus vote by 36 members present to build after the war, a permanent memorial to lads of this village and for those who did not return. It was decided to call it the Knowbury Memorial Hall fund. Fundraising dances, whist drives were planned as was a subscription list for the penny a week fund. The origional wooden structure was replaced by the present brick build in 1997. The hall prior to the lockdown was used by the mother and toddlers group, WI, Church fundraising, musical evenings, pantomimes, weddings and other functions booked by the public. The field adjacement to the hall is privately owned and we organise every November a bonfire night, B-B-Q with bar, stict regulations are enforced as required by our insurance company.
Lydbury North Village Hall
Lydbury North is a small village set in the South Shropshire Hills Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty. The original village hall was a ‘temporary’ structure erected in 1928. After a lot of hard work from parishioners, an incredibly generous bequest and a very welcome grant from the Big Lottery Fund our temporary hall was finally replaced with a beautiful new one in 2014! Although activities have been curtailed during the coronavirus pandemic, throughout the past nearly 100 years the village hall has been the social and entertainment centre of our village and the wider community hosting live music, Flicks in the Sticks, theatre performances; hobbies, interests and exercise pursuits. Community lunches, annual garden shows, school plays, weddings, christenings, funerals and big birthday bashes have all taken place down the years. The village hall has been at the heart of so many great memories and will be again for many, many more to come. Once the pandemic is defeated there’ll be dancing in the street again as the whole community gets together to party at the village hall!
Moreton Say Village Hall
The Clive Memorial Church House is at the heart of Moreton Say village, offering a large well equipped community space.
Neen Savage Parish Hall
Neen Savage is a small rural parish. The Hall is the only community facility in the parish and is the important centre for all Parish events. The hall was built in 1986 in a beautiful quiet location next to the Parish Church.
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Pant Memorial Institute
Founded in 1922 and still run entirely by unpaid volunteers. Hosting a wide variety of events before covid, and will do again. Meantime we have upgraded and improved the hall with grant support (thank you) and continue to communicate both online and in local media. We are ready to get back into action as soon as it is safe, and look forward to welcoming back our hirers and our community.
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Pitchford Village Hall
The Hall opened in 1926, is run by volunteers and still occupies the original building which is a challenge in itself. Currently closed like so many we look forward to being a focus for the community again particularly with our very popular monthly pub night.
Priory Hall, Much Wenlock
PrioryHall is maintained by volunteers and much-loved by local residents and visitors alike. We've been a great venue for functions in Much Wenlock since the 1980s. Whether it be a meeting, a social event or an exercise class, Priory Hall has all the facilities that you might want. There's a stage, a sound system and free wi-fi. We have new sturdy tables and a full complement of comfy chairs. And we have a modern catering kitchen with a large preparation area, gas hobs, commercial dishwasher, two refrigerators and a coffee machine. We're conveniently situated in the heart of this lovely historic town, close to the church, to car parks and to bus stops. There's plenty to see and do while you're in and around Much Wenlock...
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Rushbury Village Hall
The hall is a spacious brick building with an extensive tarmac car park. Built in 1996, it replaced a larger wooden building previously built in 1936. Historically it was known for Saturday night dances, mainly supporting the war effort. Surrounded by the beautiful Millenium Green, a childrens play area and tennis court, today the hall is used for social events and sports clubs. A local history group operates from the hall. The annual village flower & produce show, together with more recently started monthly pop-up pub also bring the community together. ACRE offer invaluable invaluable support to the Trustees.
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Sambrook Village Hall
Sambrook is a small village 5 miles north west of Newport. The Hall is in the former Church School building and is almost 150 years old. The Hall plays an important role in the village, especially since the pub closed in 2019. When open we have weekly Yoga and Tai Chi classes, a monthly music night with a live band and a fish and chip supper. We hold Art Classes, Easter Egg hunts, a Summer Fayre, an Autumn Produce Show , and Breakfast with Santa. The Hall hosts the local WI and Parish Council meetings and is a great venue for private hire. We also run a Village Hall lottery which has been a lifeline in raising funds for improvements to the Hall. During lockdown we have carried out a number of improvements to the Hall and we look forward to opening our doors to the village sometime soon.
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Shipton Village Hall
Built in 1950s and since modernised and extended. At the heart of local life and meeting place for residents from Brockton, Easthope, Shipton and Stanton Long.
Tasley Village Hall
Tasley Village Hall (also known as Tasley Parish Room) was built in the 1920s and serves the local community as a small venue (maximum 60 in normal times) with a low hourly rate. We normally host many local groups including Tasley Parish Council, yoga classes, art classes, music group, after school club, Flicks In The Sticks cinema with a fish and chip supper, cake decorating and many private parties. We look forward to opening again as soon as lockdown eases.
Withington Parish Room
Currently closed but hold fortnightly online coffee mornings
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Woore Victory Hall
Opened in 1950, replacing the existing wooden army hut, Woore Victory Hall is at the heart of the village. Entirely run by a small team of volunteers, it provides a centre for the local community with a range of clubs and classes, a venue for local organisations to hold meetings as well as very popular events run by the Hall committee.
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