Steeple Aston Village Hall
In the early 1970s, village activities were largely held in out of hours school buildings, or sheds and ad hoc sites, dotted around the village. When Dr. Radcliffe’s, the village primary school, was moved across the road to a modern building, it allowed the Victorian school premises it left behind, to be transformed into a hall suitable for the whole village. Annual events like the Firework Evening - always on 5 November - were quickly established to bring the whole community together and through the years, the hall has become a meeting place and base, for a whole variety of village organisations and events - the Valentine’s Club for over 55s; Oxfordshire’s oldest W.I.; the Choral Society; the Badminton Group; the Garden Club; the Horticultural Society; the Village Archive; drama and dance classes for all age groups; weddings; parties; quizzes; plays and concerts - all of which flourished until March 2020. We have used the lockdown time positively, bringing forward interior decorating and other maintenance work for which the finance was already in place. The brief re-opening for the childrens’ activities in the autumn, tested our new Covid-safe procedures and showed us that normal activities, could still work. An online quiz, attracting a different group from our usual annual quiz groups in the hall, proved successful and also brought in some income, but we were grateful for the local council grants to replenish our coffers. People are amazed at how the hall with its staging, lighting and high ceilings can transform itself overnight from a midsummer night’s dream wedding, to an exhibition hall, or the ‘Allo, ‘Allo cafe. However, the hall cannot transform into anything without people using it, and as our 50th anniversary approaches next year, we are confident that as soon as it is possible our village groups and outside hirers will return, bringing the building back to life and restoring the hall to its place at the centre of the community. ,