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Village Halls Domesday Book 2021
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Village halls in Oxfordshire
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Ashbury Village Hall
The building was built in 1864 to accommodate The National School, a charity school for children of the poor. Since construction of a new Ashbury with Compton Beauchamp C of E (Voluntary Aided) Primary School in 1960, the old National School has been used as a Village Hall. Over the years there have been several improvements. In recent years the whole hall has been updated with new kitchen and toilets, a new floor proved insulation. Before Covid it was used regularly by local groups for keep fit, art and social events.
Asthall Leigh Memorial Hall
Aston Tirrold & Aston Upthorpe Village Hall
The twin villages of Aston Upthorpe and Aston Tirrold lie in the shadow of the Berkshire downs in the south of Oxfordshire, in an area that is known to have been occupied since Neolithic times. The Astons Village Hall is a large, well-equipped, versatile and attractive facility in the heart of the community that plays host to a wide variety of clubs, classes, weekly Café, technology and other community out-reach and social activities that all serve to promote health, education, inclusion and a vibrant, inter-generational social interaction for which the villages are well-known. Well used by village groups and residents, it is also a popular venue with individual hirers and organisations from the surrounding towns and villages. The hall's facilities include a large main hall with modern AV facilities, a raised stage with adjoining changing room, a separate committee room, a well-fitted kitchen, an attractive galleried area overlooking the main hall, an outside paved patio area and a capacious car park.
Bicester East Community Centre
The North Bicester Community Centre was opened in 1973 at Keble Road but was demolished in 1999 by the Cherwell District Council due to its dilapidated state and vandalism. Bicester Community Church started working in the area, initially taking a converted bus to the site on Thursday evenings to act as a mobile centre for youth work but there was clearly a need for a permanent building. In 2001 a mini-community centre housed in a Portakabin, paid for and run by the Bicester Community Church under agreement with Cherwell District Council, which owns the land, was opened to provide a base for the church to serve the residents of the Keble Road area of North Bicester. Activities inclding Toddlers, Bumps and Babes, Youth Work and Over 50's groups were all successfully run there. The Kabin was opened by Bicester town mayor, Councillor Lawrie Stratford, and his wife, mayoress Councillor Rose Stratford, on Saturday, 23rd June 2001 on a site near the playing fields off Keble Road, and was in constant use until its age forced its removal in August 2005. The current one started life in November 2008, but is hoping to be reincarnated as a permanent building in the near future. It is great value to hire, at typically £9/hour, less for charities and local causes.
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Bletchingdon Village Hall
Bletchingdon, or Bletchington, depending on how far back family links are in the village, had a village hall from the 1920's. It was a typical steel framed/wood clad structure which, having been operated along charitable lines, finally registered as a Charity in the 1960’s. Later additions of a small annex, a basic kitchen and new ‘facilities' couldn’t save the fabric of the overall building which became increasingly dilapidated. Around 2008/9 plans were afoot to replace this building with a new one, and works began in 2013 together with the development of a new village school as a combined build. Our new village hall opened in September 2015 and is currently managed by the Trustees of our village charities. Since its opening it has been used by the school every day in term time, but more significantly by community groups everyday as well, accommodating Exercise, Yoga, Pilates and Zumba classes, Toddler group, Thursday (older villagers) Club, Village Silver Band, Community café, parties and more. The Parish Council has an office in the hall and it is also a popular venue for wedding receptions, having a catering kitchen for professional use. Designed by a local architect it is very much a well-used venue in our community. In 2020 the Covid pandemic impacted the use of the village hall, but not necessarily the bookings, many of which remain in place awaiting the day that lockdown is relaxed.
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Bloxham Ex-Servicemens Village Hall
Originally opened in 1926 to cater for ex servicemen who tended to gather in the village pubs it became a focal point in the centre of what is now a large village with two other halls. Between them their various activities tend to be complementary catering for a wide variety of users. In 1939 the then trustees declared that it was for the use of Bloxham villagers generally and not simply for the local Royal British Legion branch. During the Second World War it was used for teaching evacuee children from London. We undertook a major project three years ago to build a suitable store to cater for an increasing number of users. Upgrades to the lighting and internal and external redecorations were completed during Lockdown periods. We really appreciate the guidance and advice from ACRE which helped us comply with the ongoing changes to COVID regulations. Normally we cater for groups such as Yoga, Pilates, Zumba, Ballet, Children’s mini activities, Personal training and Table tennis. We act as a local Polling station, as well as supporting W.I. coffee mornings and Parish Council open mornings.
Cassington Village Hall
The new Cassington Village Hall was opened in 2002. It was built on the site of the old village hall, dating from the 1920s, and is situated in the heart of the village, overlooking the village green. The hall provides an excellent community hub for the village and surrounding area. It is used by many village groups including a community cafe, toddler group, WI and drama, exercise and music groups. We also host community events such as film nights, theatre shows, a Christmas pantomime and a supper club for a local dementia support group. We are very much looking forward to opening again. Thank you, ACRE, for supporting us in these challenging times.
Chinnor Village Hall
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Cholsey Great Hall
The elegant Grade II listed and recently renovated Great Hall sits in the heart of Cholsey Meadows and serves the village of Cholsey. The challenges that Covid-19 has brought this year has accentuated and reconfirmed the community’s need of the hall and the important role we play within our community. We can’t wait to begin our events programme offering theatre, comedy, cinema and music, and reopen our doors to our regular users who provide such a crucial service especially at this time. Our efforts and hard work over the summer introducing Covid measures to keep our visitors safe meant that we were able to grow our weekly activities and entertain families at Halloween and Christmas. We are gearing up for a busy year ahead and can’t wait to get started.
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Cropredy Village Hall
The village hall at Cropredy was opened in 1966, replacing a wooden hut which was originally the meeting place of the Ex-Servicemen’s Club from the 1920s, but was also rented out for other bookings. Although it is now showing signs of its age, the village hall is used regularly by the following local organisations: Short Mat Bowls, Cropredy Women’s Institute, Harlequins Drama Group, the Canoe Club, Cropredy Painting Group, the lunch club, Cropredy Film Society, judo, Pilates and yoga classes, Friends In Retirement Society, Cropredy Jazz Club, and there are several private bookings for parties, receptions, polling stations, workshops and wakes. Full English breakfasts - and all other options - are provided for the thousands of visitors from all over the UK and Europe who come to the village for the Fairport Convention music festival in August. The facilities include a well-equipped kitchen and bar, storage areas for groups’ equipment, lavatories, (including one for disabled users and an area for changing babies), a hearing loop, WiFi and a small cloakroom.
East Hendred - Snells Hall
Snells Hall was built in 1856 as the Church of England village school. After a new school was built nearby, the building was converted to village hall use in 1974. A purpose build extension to house the village pre-school was added in 2000. The hall is usually a busy place, opening for over 400 bookings a year, but in these Covid times it is very quiet, apart from the pre-school! Generous grants from the district council have been an enormous help, and we look forward in hope to a more normal world later this year.
Eye & Dunsden Village Hall
Our historic hall was once the village school. The famous WW1 poet Wilfred Wilfred Owen helped run it. Today after a £400,000 renewal programme supported by amongst others Dame Judi Dench it is a bright and vibrant community hub. Two halls, a field and garden host wonderful weddings, yoga and other exercise and art classes and a whole range of social events. We always need new trustees to help ensure a bright future for our lovely hall, so do get in touch!
Fencott and Murcott Village Hall
Our hall was originally built and opened in the mid 1900’s and has been a fantastic facility for the community over the years. With support from Acre, the Lottery Fund, the District Council, and our local fundraising efforts we have high hopes, following the most recent improvements, for continuing to be a valuable hub for our local residents for many years to come.
Fernham Village Hall
A tastefully converted 1860s church which serves all the needs of our rural community
Fifield Parish Hall
Fifield Parish Hall began life as a Methodist Chapel in the 1850s and later became the Parish Reading Room. In 1961 a Registered Charity was formed and the building was gifted by a local family to Fifield as the Parish Hall. In 2009 the building was modernised and restored paid for by village fund raising, gifts and grants. It was officially re-opened in February 2010 by the Rt Hon David Cameron - in the year in which he became Prime Minister. Today the Hall is a great asset at the heart of village life. It is used for seasonal and annual events such as the Harvest Supper, the Christmas Party, Parish meetings and local and national elections. It is also home to the weekly Post Office, the Fifield Art Group, a small library of books and popular Pilates classes. It is used for coffee mornings, charity events, private parties, lectures and an occasional touring theatre group. The Hall houses Fifield’s 2012 Jubilee needlepoint, beautifully designed and stitched by residents, and a collection of royal event commemorative plates.
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Fringford Village Hall
Our ‘new parish room’ was built and presented to the village by Mr H.J. Chinnery in June 1900 on land given by the parish squire, Mr E. Slater-Harrison. “It was to be used for many purposes, both religious and social, and also as a cricket pavilion.” The presentation of the parish room was made to over 130 villagers during an ‘admirable meat tea’. Mr Chinnery said, “he hoped there never would be any dispute in the room and in it there would be parish meetings, mothers meetings, guild meetings, concerts and sing-songs, in short, everything that would tend improvement of villagers”. It was reported by the local paper, that the parish room has begun its work in fine style and it has those behind it who will be careful to see that it does not fail in its mission. Later, the Parish Council became the owners of the building and a charity was established to lease and manage the building. It was extended in the 1960s and then completely refurbished in 2015. It continues to be well used with exercise classes, dance classes, Women’s Institute, Whist, puppy training, mindfulness, pre-school, coffee mornings, parties and many more diverse activities. Being on the village Green, its also at the centre of our community fayres and gatherings such as the celebration of The Battles Over in 2018. The Trustees, with much appreciated support from ACRE and CFO, made the hall COVID secure in 2020. It was used by a small number of allowable classes which could socially distance. We hope to welcome everyone back during the second half of 2021 and continue the traditions and mission set out in 1900.
Goring & District Community Centre
We host 2 Lunch Clubs for the elderly and vulnerable, have an information centre and medical transport and medical equipment service. Rooms are let out for band practise, bridge clubs, singing and other activities. The building was a village school and headmaster’s house.
Goring Village Hall
We have three rooms and are busy with after school classes, mother’s groups, social gatherings, lectures, amateur dramatics, comedy and jazz clubs and many more functions. Sometimes its hard to get enough free time in the building to make any changes or improvements!
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Grove Village Hall
Grove Village Hall was built by the villagers on land donated by the Parish Council and was opened in 1966. The Hall is used every day, morning noon and night, and is maintained by a small committee of 4 villagers.
Hagbourne Village Hall
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Hailey Village Hall
Hailey Village Hall stands in the middle of a village of about 1250 residents, next to a well-used playground and recreation ground. Like many others, in 2020 we have been hard-hit by COVID-19, not only in loss of income but also in the loss of our meeting place for regular monthly lunches and coffee mornings, much missed by our older residents. The hall is also the focus for many family celebrations – both happy and sad. We had the usual mix of regulars, cookery classes, keep fit, dog training, special interest groups including radio-controlled cars, plus business meetings and hobby groups, quizzes, bingo and jumble sales – the hall was used every day. Looking forward, we have made improvements and are currently excitedly awaiting the arrival of internet, hopefully giving us access to a different variety of hirers as we rebuild the business. In January a small, family-run business successfully transferred part-time into the hall, allowing us to partially re-open. Opened in 1963, the current building is showing its age and in 2019 a project was started to consider rebuilding. Unsurprisingly 2020 brought more barriers than successes so we look forward to better progress in 2021.
Jubilee Park Hall, Bloxham
Jubilee Park Hall is one of three halls in the village of Bloxham in North Oxfordshire. It is the only one that is owned by the Parish Council and was completed in 1980 to commemorate the Queens silver jubilee in 1977. It was extended in 2019 to provide separate sports changing rooms at one end and a smaller training/meeting room to complement the main hall. It is a popular hall for children's parties as well as regular Pilates, yoga and keep fit classes. It is also a regular meeting place for Bloxham WI, History Club and Flower Club.
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Little Milton - Pine Lodge
Our current village hall, plus post office and shop in Little Milton, near Oxford, were built about 15 years ago following a Herculean fund raising effort by the community which has given us arguably one of the best halls in the area (we are of course biased). With us all missing the ability to gather and let off steam we did our best in 2020 to quickly reopen between lockdowns when possible for exercise classes and clubs to gather (with excellent support and advice from ACRE). However it has of course been a quiet year for us all. This has given us time to think how the hall could be improved, and also for us to develop some new ideas for programs and activities that we could offer the local community in the future. Top of the list right now is planning for a post Covid summer Big Bash (we may need to find a catchy name!). The big unknown of course, is when to hold it...
Long Furlong Community Centre
Originally built in 1988 as a Guide headquarters, the community centre was extended in 1993 to the current building. The centre has two halls, named Olave (after Olave Baden-Powell of Guiding fame) and Badger (so named due to a Badger sett being on the land near the hall when it was built- the local school next door has the Badger symbol for the same reason). The halls are well used by regular hirers for a range of activities including Guides, puppy training, toddler groups, line dancing, and the local Church groups, to name but a few. We look forward to those groups restarting after COVID restrictions and for the halls to again be filled at the weekend by children’s parties for those on the local estate.
Mapledurham parish hall
Our hall was built by local residents in 1926, with many upgrades over the years.
Marcham Centre
The Marcham Centre is the name for all the new community facilities on the Anson Field in Marcham. It is run by Marcham Community Group. The 100-year old village hall in Marcham has been closed for 15 years and the new village hall was completed in 2020. It provides facilities for all the residents of Marcham (Oxfordshire) and the adjacent villages of Frilford and Garford, and the wider area. As well as the village hall, there is a Multi-Use Games Area (MUGA), a football pitch (as well as a new junior pitch) and cricket pitch. It also provides space for other local users such as businesses who are looking for conference and training facilities, and for weddings, functions, concerts and theatrical performances.
Merton Village Hall
Built in the 1960s, extended and then refurbished in the intervening years, Merton Village Hall offers a sizeable meeting area and kitchen area. Within the building, although not accessible via the hall, are changing rooms for sports teams that use the attached playing field. The hall is accessible and has toilet facilities for the disabled as well as the standard facilities.
Mollington Village Hall
Mollington Village Hall was opened in 1968 having been built by residents of the village. It was used by the village school, until it was closed, for lunchtime meals and is currently used by Scouts, table tennis club and other organisations. It is the focus for all village social events and get togethers
Nettlebed Village Club
Built for the community in 1913
Northcourt Centre
There has been a Hall on the site since 1947 when the land was bequeathed to the Trustees by Miss Tatham and was known as Northcourt Tatham Memorial Hall. A new building was erected in 1966 and became known as Northcourt Centre. Up to the start of the Covid19 Pandemic it was in regular use by some 20 local groups, ranging from Ballet for young children to various activities for the older generation such as Scottish Dancing. Looking to the future we are hoping that, when possible, the Groups will return and continue their activities as before. We are planning some events in the hope of encouraging greater usage of the Centre.
Northmoor Village Hall
Northmoor is a small village with a big heart, and the hall sits at the centre of community life. The existing building replaced a 1970’s timber structure in the late 1990’s and this has seen further modernisation in the last 3 years. We enjoy hosting yoga, puppy classes, a lunch club for elderly residents, regular markets, meetings, parties and fundraising events. The 2019 Christmas Quiz in particular generated much needed funds for the village church (St Denys) and the hall. Our recently upgraded kitchen, extended storeroom and other improvements make Northmoor Hall an ideal multi-purpose venue and we have plans for further exciting changes in the very near future! 2020 certainly brought its challenges but the hall is ready and waiting to open again as soon as possible. Thank you ACRE for your support and guidance. Bring on the next 100 years :)
Nuneham Courtenay Village Hall
The village hall was a gift to the people of Nuneham Courtenay from Lord Harcourt. Weston on the Green was having a new hall so Lord Harcourt bought it and had it brought from there to the village on an ox cart during WW1.
Old Headington Village Hall
The hall was opened in 1959 by the Bishop of Dorchester and we celebrated its 50th anniversary in March 2009. The hall has had various names during its history: St. Andrew’s Parish Hall, Headington Parish Hall and now Old Headington Village Hall.
Peppard Memorial Hall
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Peppard War Memorial Hall
The Memorial Hall has been at the centre of village life in the Community ever since it was built in 1921 to remember the local soldiers that never returned from the Great War. Over the years the hall has been used to celebrate many things including the Coronation of GeorgeVI and Queen Elizabeth II and the end of World War II. It was used as a local cinema until 1958 and is home to many thriving clubs such as table tennis,judo and karate.The stage and theatre lighting make it the home of the Chiltern Players,a highly talented group of actors.The hall is also home to the Peppard WI,and village luncheon club together with a popular film night during the Winter months organised by the Peppard Revels group. Many refurbishment projects have taken place by different groups of Trustees over the years,these being dependent on voluntary donations and grants since the hall has no secure revenue stream. The future after Covid is secure with,as well as the main hall a smaller club room,large secure outside area where wedding receptions have been held and access for the disabled. A quote from one of our Trustees”the old girl has been going for the last100 years ,let’s make she’s here for the next 100 “
Rotherfield Greys Village Hall
The Hall was built in 1924, prior to the days of television and the internet! Then, it was used by the whole Village for regular dances on Saturday nights, by the Cricket Club for teas and changing facilities and for all other Village events. It underwent a major refurbishment in the 1980s to update the loos and kitchen (Gents’ loo was outside and froze-up every winter!) and to make it a more attractive proposition to hire out. It is now hired out almost daily, for exercise classes, yoga and Pilates, other regular classes and for private parties. In addition, we have the luxury of having being given a house, across the road, where the Caretaker (who deals with all the admin. and cleaning) lives.
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Shiplake Memorial Hall
Shiplake Memorial Hall was built in 1926, as a memorial to ‘those who fell in the Great War 1914-1918,” and established as a charity in 1927. The hall became a Charitable Incorporated Organisation in 2020 managed by a board of trustees and run by a number of part-time staff. The hall went through a major modernisation project in 2013 and now has a superb professionally fitted kitchen, a spacious reception area and an excellent number of toilets! The main hall retains its original features with its beautiful wooden beams and also offers a stage and modern sound and lighting system. The Hall is set in a semi-rural location with stunning views over the countryside. Shiplake Tennis Club and Shiplake Bowls Club are based in the hall grounds as well as the Shiplake Village Nursery which operates from a separate annexe to the hall but with full access to the hall garden. The Hall also has a large sports field which is used by the Shiplake Primary School, Shiplake College and all the local residents, young and old! At the heart of the community, Shiplake Memorial Hall is a village hall for all occasions. The hall has been enjoyed by many over the years, for parties, fundraisers, dances, club events, exhibitions and summer fayres. It has been used in film sets and is the polling station at election time. The Hall also now hosts an increasing number of wedding receptions for local couples. Regular activities include WI and Parish Council meetings, pilates, yoga, tango, walking netball, children’s dance, ballet, a toddler group and the annual village pantomime – a wonderful community event! Like all other village halls, Shiplake Memorial Hall closed in March 2020 due to Covid but the trustees worked very hard over the summer months to be ready to welcome back Covid-compliant hirers in September 2020 to a Covid safe hall. Although it was very sad to close the hall again at the end of 2020, the trustees are feelings positive about opening again in the warmer months and sharing all the facilities the hall has to offer with the local community again.
Shrivenham Memorial Hall
The Memorial Hall is at the heart of the village. It is a Grade II listed building constructed in 1925 in the Arts and Crafts style and the main hall, modelled on Westminster Hall, is unique in Oxfordshire if not in the country. The hall is used for a full range of community facilities from providing a venue for clubs and societies while at the same time acting as a home for a full range of sporting activities. It also provides an attractive venue for weddings and parties which allows the Trust to supplement its income for the maintenance of the 90 year-old building. The Memorial Hall also acts as the home for Shrivenham Cricket Club during the summer months. A new sports pavilion is currently under construction, due for completion in December 2021. When finished e it will enable us to offer additional facilities for sporting and fitness activities.
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South Hinksey Village Hall
What is now the South Hinksey Village Hall was built as a Baptist Chapel and served as a place of worship until 1955. It is a small attractive building in the centre of the village and when it came up for sale it was bought for the parishioners by a newly formed charity called the South Hinksey Village Hall and has since been run by a group of volunteers forming a management committee. Private hire of the hall helps fund the running costs, and it has recently benefited from a generous award to help it through this difficult year when all income has dried up due to the national lockdown. As well as being used as a polling station, and for the monthly meetings of the Parish Council, the hall has been used for various fundraising events and over the years activities at the hall have included Toddler Groups, Pilates, Cake sales Martial Arts and Indoor Bowling – and many more recently a very successful monthly ‘Mock Pub’. As a village without a Pub or Community Shop the Village Hall has proved to be a wonderful way of bringing the community together, and we very much look forward to when we can open again.
South Leigh
South Leigh village hall was built as a church school in mid-Victorian times and remained in use as a school until the second half of the 20th century. It later became the village hall and, after an extensive upgrade and refurbishment in 2013, is the light and airy venue that it is today. Together with its enclosed garden, it is in demand for parties and wedding receptions, as well as being used for group, commercial and social activities. Its two halls and kitchen, together with the outside space, have proved a major attraction. While the hall has remained closed since March 2020, we look forward to being able to welcome people back again later in 2021, having used the enforced closure to upgrade the hall further.
Spelsbury Memorial Hall
Spelsbury Memorial Hall was built by subscription and volunteer labour in 1920 as a tribute to the men of the parish who served their country in the First World War and has acted as a focal point in our small community since then. Fully refurbished and extended in 2004 the hall now hosts exercise and art classes, public meetings, community events - such as a ‘pub for the day’ commiserating the loss of our village pub in a fire in 1922 and street parties, and private functions.
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Stanford in the Vale Village Hall
We are looking forward to a time when we can reopen so organisations can meet, sporting activities can commence and people can once again celebrate those special occasions with family and friends.
Steeple Aston Village Hall
In the early 1970s, village activities were largely held in out of hours school buildings, or sheds and ad hoc sites, dotted around the village. When Dr. Radcliffe’s, the village primary school, was moved across the road to a modern building, it allowed the Victorian school premises it left behind, to be transformed into a hall suitable for the whole village. Annual events like the Firework Evening - always on 5 November - were quickly established to bring the whole community together and through the years, the hall has become a meeting place and base, for a whole variety of village organisations and events - the Valentine’s Club for over 55s; Oxfordshire’s oldest W.I.; the Choral Society; the Badminton Group; the Garden Club; the Horticultural Society; the Village Archive; drama and dance classes for all age groups; weddings; parties; quizzes; plays and concerts - all of which flourished until March 2020. We have used the lockdown time positively, bringing forward interior decorating and other maintenance work for which the finance was already in place. The brief re-opening for the childrens’ activities in the autumn, tested our new Covid-safe procedures and showed us that normal activities, could still work. An online quiz, attracting a different group from our usual annual quiz groups in the hall, proved successful and also brought in some income, but we were grateful for the local council grants to replenish our coffers. People are amazed at how the hall with its staging, lighting and high ceilings can transform itself overnight from a midsummer night’s dream wedding, to an exhibition hall, or the ‘Allo, ‘Allo cafe. However, the hall cannot transform into anything without people using it, and as our 50th anniversary approaches next year, we are confident that as soon as it is possible our village groups and outside hirers will return, bringing the building back to life and restoring the hall to its place at the centre of the community. ,
Sunningwell Village Hall
Sunningwell Village Hall was originally built in 1906, as a recreation room for local working people, by a philanthropic businessman, Herbert Shawcross, who lived nearby on Boars Hill. In the aftermath of World War I, Shawcross made over the building to Sunningwell village as a memorial hall. It is located in the heart of the village opposite the ancient church of St Leonard’s and close to the village pond and the village green. The Oxford Greenbelt Way, part of the National Trail network, passes close by. The hall is managed by a group of 5 trustees, who all live locally and who are ably assisted by the hall Caretaker, who lives adjacent to the hall and is thereby in close contact. There is a spacious internal main area located in front of a stage upon which many and varied performances take place and a well-appointed kitchen to keep attendees refreshed. In normal times, the hall caters for a wide variety of community activities for all ages but as is sadly the case with many halls the past year has seen intermittent, or no use being possible due to pandemic regulations. However, we are all looking forward very much to when we can start to resume “normal” operation.
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Thame Guide HQ
The Merry Bells
The Merry Bells was originally built in 1888 in the centre of Wheatley as a Temperance Hotel by the owners of the nearby Shotover Estate. Over time, the demand for rooms dropped and the building was used more for meetings until it eventually became a village hall. In 1970, Shotover Estate sold The Merry Bells building and car park to the people of Wheatley as a Trust to be run for the benefit of Wheatley residents. We had hoped to celebrate the 50th anniversary last year but the plans were thwarted by the pandemic. As well as offering two different sized rooms for hire, the building has a number of offices for rent and currently houses the Parish Council office and Wheatley Library. Various classes and a wide variety of local societies use the building and 4 mornings a week there is a coffee morning for anyone who fancies a cup of tea and a chat!
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The Pine Lodge - Little Milton
Our current village hall, plus post office and shop in Little Milton, near Oxford, were built about 15 years ago following a Herculean fund raising effort by the community which has given us arguably one of the best halls in the area (we are of course biased). With us all missing the ability to gather and let off steam we did our best in 2020 to quickly reopen between lockdowns when possible for exercise classes and clubs to gather (with excellent support and advice from ACRE). However it has of course been a quiet year for us all. This has given us time to think how the hall could be improved, and also for us to develop some new ideas for programs and activities that we could offer the local community in the future. Top of the list right now is planning for a post Covid summer Big Bash (we may need to find a catchy name!). The big unknown of course, is when to hold it...
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The Windmill - Deddington Community Centre
Opened in 1986 on a beautiful six-acre site comprising playing fields for football and cricket, tennis courts, an all-weather court, an adventure playground and wooded area, the Windmill is a much-used community centre and home to most of the clubs and societies in the parish. Owned by the Parish Council, the Windmill is run by an enthusiastic and forward-thinking group of village volunteers with ambitious plans to continue developing, improving and expanding the facilities to match the needs of a growing and evolving community. Like all similar venues we are closed at the moment due to Covid restrictions, but we look forward to reopening as soon as we can.
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Thomas Hughes Memorial Hall Uffington
In 1919, a welcome home fund for soldiers returning from the Great War was donated by them to purchase a redundant army hut from the War Department as a Village Hall. In 1960, the wooden floor became so bad that it was condemned and a fund-raising committee formed to enable a new hall to be built. In 1972 the Uffington White Horse Country Show was created and by 1975, sufficient funds had been raised to build the Thomas Hughes Memorial Hall, named after the famous author, born in Uffington. The building was the result of collaboration between the three neighbouring villages of Baulking, Uffington and Woolstone. Extensions were added in 1980 and 2010, creating a small and a large hall, a modern kitchen and a large theatrical stage. The main hall can seat more than 100 people and Covid lock-downs have allowed time to install a comprehensive audio-visual system with a 4metre wide screen, suitable for showing DVD films, for talks, presentations and live or recorded music.
Tiddy Hall
The original Tiddy Hall goes back to 1912 when Reginald Tiddy donated the land to the village. A new hall was built in 1992 and accommodates a vibrant preschool, a recently established Folk Club plus a number of societies and activities. We also hold as number of social events such as the Film nights, Burns nights and various functions. When the pandemic is eventually over we are intending to have an all day event to encourage all ages in the village to come to the hall; including bingo, a party and film for the children, and a special social event in the evening.
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Upper Heyford Village Hall
The United States Air Force (U.S.A.F) who arrived on what is now known as Heyford Park, in 1950, was interested in helping the village of Upper Heyford community acquire a village hall and sports pavilion. Talks began in 1958, building started in 1963 and the hall opened in 1964; total cost was £3,000. Since that time, many improvements have been made; a stage, committee room and sports pavilion was added in 1976 at a cost of £16,000. In 2012 improvements included refurbishment throughout, cavity wall insulation and an extension to include a second kitchen, a disabled toilet come baby changing room, furniture store room, improved toilet facilities, double glazing throughout and new patio doors at a cost of £52,000. A great deal of the work carried out by local volunteers. A new patio was added a year or so later costing in the region of £3,800 and the present playground was opened in 2016, (at a cost of £41,000 or so, covered, in part, by grants. (The parish covered roughly a quarter of the cost). Today the Village Hall is a charitable trust managed by trustees and a working committee and owned by the Parish Council.
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Watlington Town Hall
As possibly the smallest town in England, the community has enjoyed the service of the Town Hall as a school, a court and a library for 355 years! But it as a market venue that has seen the Town Hall restored as a centre for purchasing local produce during the pandemic. Large supermarkets are more than six miles away and again today the Hall's Undercroft is a busy centre for trading. The Trustees have erected a fine new noticeboard to display vital Covid-19 messages, and supplementing the Town's internet work. New electric heating has replaced the gas heating – in line with commitment towards Climate Change declarations. A new stage is due to aid drama revival and lecture series after lockdown and new tables are introduced for games afternoons and evenings. We are really ready for new business!
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West Challow Village Hall
West Challow Village Hall is situated in a rural setting at the edge of the village. The hall was officially opened at 8.00pm on June 30th 1951 by Poet Laureate Sir John Betjeman who lived in nearby Wantage. He was given an engraved silver penknife in a formal presentation by Mr Stratton, the oldest inhabitant of the village. A fete was held on the same day. The Parish Room in The Old School House which had been used prior to the opening of the new hall since 1894 was closed for social, recreational and educational purposes from June 30th 1951. Over the years the hall has been the venue for a variety of events, including WI Meetings, beetle drives, film shows, a boys’ club, the mobile library, jumble sales and parties. The hall is still the focus for social events ranging from plays, open bar evenings and quiz nights to the local polling station. Both residents and non-residents can be assured of a warm welcome. Roll on the end of lockdown when we can resume our popular social gatherings.
Weston on the Green Memorial Village Hall
Weston on the Green is a small village with a big heart, and the hall sits at the centre of both village and community life. The existing building was built in the early 1970s and replaced a 1920s timber structure built by the villagers in memory of those who died fighting in the First World War. The Hall has undergone some upgrades and modernisation in the last few years, with new lighting, a new kitchen and new external doors. Further upgrades have also taken place during lockdown with new fire doors, new chairs and a re-planting of the Memorial Garden. We enjoy hosting (in normal times) a lunch club for elderly residents, village clubs and societies, meetings, parties and fundraising events, including Quiz, Film, and Musical Nights. During the lockdown of 2020 our events went ‘virtual’ and we aimed to put on a monthly event for villagers to maintain community spirit. Our virtual events included Quiz and Bingo nights, a virtual flower show, dog show and hanging baskets competition, a fancy dress event, a scarecrow competition, the creation and publishing of a Village cookbook and an Advent windows event. A bulb donation event for the Memorial Garden saw over six hundred bulbs be dropped off at the Hall for planting and demonstrates the affection villagers have for the Hall. We have also been one of the collection points for the local food bank during lockdown and demonstrates the more serious nature of the Hall’s use. Weston on the Green Memorial Village Hall is an ideal multi-purpose venue and we have plans for further improvements in the future. The year 2020 certainly brought its challenges but the hall is ready and waiting to open again as soon as possible. Thank you ACRE for your support and guidance during these trying times.
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Whitchurch on Thames
originally a building erected by Canadian Air Force during WW2- the regiment was learning her to build emergency bridges. then it was used by the polish refugees living in a new camp organised next to the building- later it became the Village Hall- last 2 years we raised donations over £8000 and also with the help of the Parish council we renovated most of the building, making it more welcome and attractive. we started free afternoon teas once a month with delicious cakes and with success.
whitchucrh on Thames web site
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