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Village Halls Domesday Book 2021
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Village halls in Norfolk
Barton Bendish Village Hall
We are just finishing a complete refurbishment and extension to our hall, which was originally an Oddfellows hall built in 1905. Although it had some toilets added in 1990 it was getting very tired, with no insulation, no proper heating, and no disabled facilities. We also suffered from a lack of capacity because it was too small. Thanks to a marvellous fundraising effort, serious community collaboration and the input of an excellent local contractor we have now extended the hall and made it fit for another 100 years! We can’t wait to open up as soon as the Covid-19 pandemic allows us to do so!
Castle Acre Village Hall
Next to the medieval castle, the village hall used to be a baptist chapel and pair of cottages. A hall with history, it’s the only venue in the village for meetings, concerts, exercise classes, art groups, craft fairs and many other local events. A fantastic hall for wedding receptions, with an enclosed garden and romantic view of the castle.
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East Ruston Village Hall
Opened in 1925 our hall was gifted to the parish and surrounding areas by Sir James Roll, who grew up in the village and became Lord Mayor of London in 1920. To celebrate its up coming centenary it is undergoing refurbishment works including a new roof, entrance doors and internal improvements. The hall provides a cost effective venue for popular local events such as table tennis, arts events and community occasions such as Seedy Sunday, The Christmas Bazaar and also caters for private functions such as children’s parties and wedding receptions.
Harling Old School Village Hall
Harling Old School Village Hall is in the village of East Harling, Norfolk. There used to be a Workhouse, on the site of the Village Hall, this was replaced by a school in 1837. By 1983, a new school had been built and the school building was converted to a village hall, complete with stage and dressing room. The hall is run by a very enthusiastic Management Committee of volunteers. Major renovations took place in 2008, with new roof, flooring, kitchen, cloak room, and storage space, followed by new toilets and a sound system and screen, in 2013. Until the onset of the Coronavirus, the hall was in use nearly every weekday and most weekends. Events include Tea &Tots, Baby Clinic, Carpet Bowls, W.I., Gardening Club, Brownies, Parish Council Meetings, Pilates, Keep Fit, Circuit Training, Film Club, fortnightly Lunch Club. The Management Committee have a coffee morning and lunch, every month, plus other fund raising events. The hall is hired for Parties, Quizzes, Theatre Group, Craft Fairs and meetings etc. The committee have worked hard on getting the hall Covid-19 secure, so when we are allowed to re-open we are ready!
May 2020 saw us install a new kitchen to replace the original 1976 one. It was our first attempt at fund-raising and we achieved the required £15,000. Of course this meant the rest of the hall looked old so the committee and friends set about using lockdown to revamp the hall with new lighting, painting, new blinds, new doors and a new range of fire extinguishers and alarms. Sadly in November 2020 we lost a wonderful view across the field we overlooked when the farmer replaced the broken small fence with a two metre new one. This field had for many years been where cricket was played and we fear it may soon end up with housing on it. Red kites, barn owls and green woodpeckers are often seen in this field. We fear that a housing development may end up there. Time will tell. So we were grateful for the time, the haitus and the funding we received which really helped us. S
Sharrington village hall
We have taken the opportunity covid lock down has given to paint the hall and check what facilities we can offer our community. We have installed Wifi and contactless paying for our licensed bar. A post lockdown party gave us all the chance to reaquaint ourselves with neighbours and was the first step in reopening our hall. Built in 1953 on land gifted to the village our hall may not look much from the outside but has a welcoming interior. Our ever popular music nights and concerts are back on and regular groups are again using the hall for craft, gardening and singing. We plan to hold in the future a supper quiz, pub night with board games and our Christmas fayre.
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Upton Village Hall
In 1995 a questionnaire was sent out to the village to see whether there was support for the funding and building of a new village hall Our old Church Institute affectionately known as "The Tute" which had served the village well for many years was now unfit for purpose. With the support of the village behind them a volunteer Committee was set up and a stall raising £25 at a village event in August 1995 began the journey. It was decided to apply for funding from the lottery under the Millennium grant system whereby you had to match the sum requested and the Hall had to be up and running by the beginning of the year 2000 We requested £53,000, a sum we hoped we could match. The Parish Council negotiated a very suitable plot of land adjacent to the fairly new children's playground in Cargate Lane which would be rented to the Village Hall Group for a peppercorn rent. The lottery money was awarded so fund raising began in earnest alongside plans being drawn up and then building work commencing. Every type of fund raising event we could think of took place from selling a brick , fetes, flower festivals, plant sales, jumble sales and raffles. Unfortunately our only meeting place "The Tute" was sold by the Church in 1997 and suddenly we had no building to put on any such events. Luckily the Methodist Church in Upton came to our rescue and allowed us to use their premises for all of our fund raising efforts. With lots of help finishing off the interior from residents and much generosity a very basic new hall opened up in November 1999. At the time of the opening the Hall only had one booking and that was the Upton Horticultural Society that had continued to meet at the Chapel whilst the Hall was being built. Since then the Hall has added many items to complete and improve it. With financial help from the Parish Council a large asphalted car park was completed. Then from our own funding a mezzanine was built adding more storage space, a large patio laid to compliment the three patio doors, the heating was updated and solar panels added to the roof which brings in some income as well as helping with electricity costs. Just recently the main hall has been completely redecorated together with a new floor and curtains and a new kitchen has been installed. The Hall has several regular groups and hosts many parties and family get togethers as well as fund raising events put on by the Village Hall Group themselves. Our next fund raiser if the pandemic allows will be hosting The Taverham Brass Band, a very well known local entertainment whom we last invited to play for our WW1 celebrations and we hope can return in September 2021. The Hall is an excellent setting with a large green space adjoining it as well as a children's play area and an adult exercise equipment nearby. Over the last 20 years Upton Village Hall has grown in popularity and serves not only Upton but the surrounding area. A good motto would be "We did it together"
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