Stanton Village Hall
Whilst it’s been a difficult year for all, our elderly and vulnerable hall users are perhaps hardest hit - needing to shield has meant they’ve missed their bingo here at Stanton Village Hall (between Burton-upon-Trent and Swadlincote) and their mobility-based fitness classes have finished with the early retirement of our usual instructor. However, COVID has provided us with a rare opportunity to pause, think about our building and user needs and refocus. We’ve gained funding for new signage, heating, blinds, CCTV, doors and interior items such as vacuum cleaners (to replace our very old Kirby!) over the past year. We’ve also upgraded to LED lighting and had a re-paint. Despite being closed, we’re keeping our volunteers somewhat busy! COVID aside, Stanton Village Hall usually hosts yoga, baby massage, karate, tai-chi, pilates, children’s art classes, car-racing, and slimming groups. Over the last 18 months, with a new website, social media use and an online booking platform we’ve extended our reach and this has seen an increase from 10 hours of use each week to around 25. Looking forward, we’re excited to repurpose a former store room into a small meeting room/pop-up space and feel this will help those who might be trying out new business concepts (perhaps displaced out of jobs because of COVID or just having a rethink). Our focus, moving beyond this difficult time, will be to re-engage our community - with the thoroughly modernised Village Hall that they deserve.