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Village Halls Domesday Book 2021
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Village halls in Berkshire
Arborfield Village Hall
Built in 1931 on land gifted by the Simonds family with bricks purchased by members of the Arborfield and Newland community the hall is a registered charity run by volunteers and interested parties such as the Parish Council and regular users.
Ashampstead Jubille Village Hall
This original Victorian village school house has been renovated to provide the only community facility other than the church. It even doubles as the village pub once a month.
Boxford Village Hall
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Bradfield Village Hall
Bradfield Village Hall has been at the centre of the community for the last 69 years and is regular host to Bradfield Market, WI, Parish Council meetings, dog training club, Sunshine [Before and After School] Club, Tai Chi classes, Gardening Club, Bridge Club, Mayfayre, Pigeon and Rabbit Shows, annual visit of the Fun Fair, Library Van, caravan/motor home club weekend retreats, not forgetting the weekly visit of the fish and chip van! There’s also the many children’s parties, family celebrations of all kinds including wedding receptions, and parish meetings. Our 4 acre site also has a tennis court, children’s playground and field, well used to recreation and exercise for both people and dogs. We are working hard on a development project which aims, by 2023, to build a brand new Village Hall, more suitable for current needs, along with improved Multi Use Games Area and a playground for all ages, enlarged car park [also used by the community shop next door and the close-by primary school] and much improved, safer pedestrian access. The new facilities will give so many more opportunities to meet together at the heart of our community.
Chapel Hall
Cheapside Village Hall
It all started with a Nissen hut bought from the MOD in 1947 which was upgraded to the current timber version in the early 1970s. There were initially three Affiliated Societies, but now only the Horticultural Society remains and holds shows twice a year. Coronavirus has hit all activities bar our Preschool. However over past years the community has benefitted from all sorts of events: all age group parties, a Choral Society (now relocated in Sunninghill) and various keep-fit sessions in the evenings and at weekends. Also in previous years we teamed up with the Big Lunch Group to provide a wet weather facility for the June annual gathering. Now we Zoom together, and it is our hope for the future to plan a greater range of activities in the community.
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Colnbrook Village Hall
We are starting to get more and more bookings for the hall bringing in much needed income to keep the building in good order and our local amateur dramatic group, Colnbrook Amateur Stage Theatre, are gearing up for their first production in over 21 months
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Coronation Hall
Frilsham Clubroom
Great to be opening up again after a difficult year for all.
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Gilchrist Thomas Village Hall
In the heart of Littlewick Green is the Gilchrist Thomas Village Hall . From Cricket matches, Art Classes, Birthday parties the hall has been an integral part of the hall for over 200 years
Hampstead Norreys Village Hall
located on Dean Meadow, Hampstead Norreys
Hare Hatch Village Hall
This Hall benefits the local community as it is used every day as a Montessori nursery school, and 4 days a week in the afternoons and evenings as a Ballet and Dance School for girls until their mid teens.
Holyport War Memorial Hall
Everything we do is about “Bringing Holyport Together”, and right now a sense of community has never seemed more important. That’s why, despite the challenges of lockdown, we have been making lots of plans for the future. As well as welcoming back all our regular activities we are going to reconfigure part of the building over the coming year so that we can cater for a bigger and wider range of interests requested by the community, including support for local businesses and hireable facilities for home workers. We can’t wait!
Mortimer St Johns Village Hall
The Hall was built for the local church and was bought for the local community about 50 years ago and established as a charity. It is about 140 years old and used most days. It has been well maintained and facilities improved, we are improving the appearance of the forecourt at the moment.
Pangbourne Village Hall
Pearson Hall
Sonning Village Hall
Shaw-cum-Donnington Village Hall
If our hall had a voice would it say something like this:- Although I am rather old; opened my doors in 1912; unlike many old people I am not lonely or neglected . I have many people dropping in every day. My days start with my very young visitors with the children of the playschool. What a time they have, running around with plenty of different types of play, inside or in my gardens outside. Next I become a dinning room for the older children from the primary school next door. They also sometimes stay on after lunch to do P.E. or act in their plays and even stay to tea time for after school club. Like any old lady I love to see how they grow year on year becoming more confident in front of the older members of their families. Some afternoons I have older visitors [Some might have even have used me when they were at school] when the over 50,s keep fit come in, good to see them not giving in to old age just like me. Other afternoons I feel elegant when the ball room dancers come to practice, so nice to hear the old songs again while they glide around. Now that brings early evening and the Guide movement move in. Guides and Brownies. I, have lost count or how badges I seen worked for., as well as all the good fun they have. Some times the ladies from the Yoga club come to visit at this time of day, all that lying on my floor in impossible looking positions is a lot quieter than the younger visitors, Now that early evening is here the older and more varied visitors arrive. It could be Line dancers; not a bit like the barn dancing of my early days; the W.I; they talk about all sorts of things I learn a great deal from their meetings; the Parish Council keep me in touch with what is going on outside my doors in the rest of the parish; and then the management committee who set my fees, pay my bills, keep me in good order and clean come to see me and make sure that all my visitors have treated me well. You might think that being so busy all week that during the weekends I would be left alone. Not a bit of it. The dancers who cannot come during the week come to practice on Saturdays and Sundays and then people who have something to celebrate but not enough room at home bring all their friends to party with me. You can see from this that most of the local groups find me a useful recourse and I welcome all of them. I can go on for many more years welcoming even more members of my community.
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Spencers Wood Village Hall
The hall was donated to the villagers in 1948 and is the beating heart of the village. On a weekly basis we ahve over 12 groups with interstes ranging from adult tap to badminton, Brownies to board games and all sorts in between. We host a “Heart of the Village Cafe” once a month that is run by and supported by the local community. If anything Covid has made all of us thing more about heart and home and what community means to us. We pulled together and sang carols in the dark as at that time we hadn’t realised there were outside lights that actually worked. We organised a Winter Wonder with peoople walking, cycling, scooting and cycling thoughout the village and posting their selfies fom the safe selfie booth onto our FB page, we organised an amazing Easter scarecrow trail with people coming from far and wide to see it. Yes it takes effort but by golly it’s worth it.
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St Sebastian’s Memorial Hall
It’s been a really challenging year, and unfortunately due to the pandemic, the hall has been closed for a large part of the year. We were able to open for a short while in the late summer/autumn, and spent a lot of time planning how to make sure we were covid secure, including working out the social distancing, using chairs as you can see in our photo! Over the coming months, we will be looking at our carbon footprint, and seeing where we can make our hall more environmentally friendly. We are also looking forward to being able to re-open and re-establish some of our community focused activites, like our fit4Life classes for local residents.
Sulhamstead&Ufton Nervet Village Hall
Currently making the most of lockdown by doing major refurbishments and getting ready to reopen the moment we’re allowed to!
Sutton Hall, Stockcross
Sutton Hall in Stockcross is a long established facility tracing its roots back to victorian times when it was first established as a club for the local estate workers. Now operating as a registred charity we are fortunate that the Benham Estate who own the land & buildings allow the hall to be used free of rent . Located close to the M4/A34 and other major routes we attract users from a wide area and regularly host yoga classes, music events, art classes, dance ( we have a sprung floor ), bridge , tai chi , weddings, family parties & get togethers , photographic club meetings and a host of other activities. These provide the revenue which allows the committee to then run events for the local community including a pop up pub, harvest supper, various christmas events, a pantomime and other events through the year together with a village newsletter to keep everone up to date.
The Morrell Room, Streatley
The Morrell Room, which is the village hall of Streatley-on-Thames, is a Grade II listed building built in the late 17th and early 18th century. It was originally a malthouse but, in 1898 the village squire, Herbert Morrell, commissioned the architect W. Ravenscroft to convert it to a Reading Room for the use of local villagers. The plans for the additions and alterations, in a Domestic Revival style, were exhibited at the Royal Academy in London and a copy of the plans now hangs in the hall. The hall was equipped with sliding screens, which allowed it to be divided into three spaces. There was a fireplace at one end, providing a cosy environment where men could read newspapers. It is believed that the Morrell family established adult reading classes. A stage was built so that plays and other entertainments could be put on. Although no longer in use, the Victorian heating and ventilation system is still in evidence in the attic. In 1945 the descendants of Mrs Emily Alicia Morrell set up a charitable trust in her memory and donated the hall to the village, stating that it should be known as “The Morrell Room”. A major refurbishment of the hall was carried out in 2011, which included the removal of the permanent stage and the opening of the balcony as a space that could be used separately from the main hall. Inside the hall the walls are panelled and the floor is polished parquet. A number of items of local historical interest are on display, including two boards showing the charges when Streatley Bridge was a toll bridge and the bell which hung at the Morrell residence, Streatley House, and which was used each day to summon outdoor staff. On the walls are numerous artworks and historic photographs of the village, as well as two cups that used to be awarded in an annual athletics competition in the 1920’s and 1930’s between various local villages. Today the Morrell Room continues to be used regularly by local clubs and societies such as the Parish Council, the Goring Gap Players and the Scouts, as well as ballet classes, Scottish country dancing, pilates and yoga. The Morrell Room is also hired for family occasions such as birthday parties, wedding receptions, christening parties and general entertainment.
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The Victory Hall
The hall is refurbished and busier than ever.
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Tiidmarsh Village Hall
Established in1954, a strong social hub in 20th century the village hall offers a facility for individual hire and various groups from local community and surrounding areas from dog training to table tennis club. The community events hosted by the Hall specifically for local participation are two quizzes , a monthly walk and coffee morning.
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Tilehurst Village Hall
Tilehurst Village Hall was built in 1893. During the 1st National Lockdown we had the main hall decorated and a few other repairs. On 23rd March we will be lighting up the village hall blue for the anniversary of the 1st lockdown residents and local businesses will also be taking part. We decorate the hall during November for Remembrance Sunday this is also something the local community take part in. We have been open since June for Pre-school which are still operating. Hope to get back to some normality soon.
Twyford District Youth & Community Centre
We provide a safe place for young people in the district to come for recreational activities, computer access, fitness, education, counselling and advice from trained professionals. We also provide an affordable venue for local groups and residents from the district to hire for fitness and social activities.
West Ilsley Village Hall
A facility for the community
Wraysbury village halls
At the moment we are running a drop off point for a foodbank . Also the local voluntary group are using our kitchen to cook meals on wheels for local residents . Also have a local radio station based in our building (Swan Radio ) which is keeping the local area upbeat in this difficult time .
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