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Talent Competition!

This event is for anyone and everyone! This could be “your chance” to showcase your talent. Whether it’s singing, dancing, acrobatics, juggling, pottery, woodwork… You name it, we’ve got it!
What You’ll Do
Fill out the form and submit your talent in the form of a video.
Register for the Live Talent Show Event to present your talent in front of a wide audience. (Optional)
Attend the opening and closing ceremonies of the SHW World’s Fair.
Who Should Attend
Anyone and everyone! Don’t be afraid to showcase your talent. You can also join as an audience to witness participants showcasing a wide range of their unique talents.
Each event will run for one hour and forty-five minutes.
To Enter
To enter your unique talent, please visit our profile for the SHWWF,
We hope to see you there!
Benefits of taking part in the Talent Competition
Showcase your talent that would have otherwise gone unnoticed. Talents can be LITERALLY ANYTHING you possess.
Have fun embracing your talent.
Win Prizes! Talent is certainly something that cannot be judged, but we’ll be awarding uniqueness as an encouragement for everyone.
Additional information about the event
Talent workshops will be hosted in order to help you all identify your unique talents and present them.
A Live Talent Show will be hosted for you to showcase your talent, you can join as audience too!
We hope you'll join us for this fun and informative event!

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