
Add or Invite Speakers

The People section lets you add speakers and attendees to the event. You can add individual speakers/attendees via email or, invite them in bulk by uploading a CSV file with their details.

Adding Speakers

Speakers can be added to the event directly during the event setup.
To add a speaker:
On the Zuddl dashboard, go to People > Speakers > Speaker tab.
Click on the Add Speaker button.
Graphical user interface, application, Teams

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Enter the Speaker Email Id (max 150 characters) and click Proceed to Add Speaker.
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Add speaker profile Picture. Drag a drop the image or browse through your device. You can add a profile picture for the speaker (The recommended format is a .jpg or .png file with a maximum size of 1 MB size).
Enter the First Name of the Speaker (of up to 20 characters).
Enter the Last Name of the Speaker of up to 20 characters.
Select the Ticket Type from the dropdown. This is useful to distinguish between the different types of speakers.
In-person: speakers who wish to join your event physically at the event venue.
Virtual: speakers who wish to join your event virtually through Zuddl.
Enter the Company name of the speaker.
Enter the Mobile Number of the speaker.
Enter the Designation of the speaker in the organization.
Enter a 1-Line Bio (of up to 200 words) to introduce the speaker
Under the All Groups section, select a suitable custom group. Learn more about access groups.
Click Save Changes. Choose a confirmation for the prompt message, Would you like to send confirmation mail to Speaker? Select Yes, Please to send an email to the speaker or No, Thank You to leave it for later.
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Click Save Changes. This adds the speaker to the list, and the same is reflected in the speaker section in the live event.

Invite Speaker

You can add multiple speakers to an event at once by uploading a CSV (comma-separated values) file that contains the necessary details of all speakers.

Preparing the CSV file

While creating the CSV file, follow the below rules:
Possible CSV columns are email, firstName, lastName, phoneNumber, company, designation, bio in the same order.
The columns which are mandatory are email, firstName, lastName — all other columns are optional.
A header row with the column names must be present.
Columns can be in any order but you should not change the header labels
The maximum number of participants you can import at a time is 500.
The imported .csv file must be less than 1MB.

Once your CSV file is prepared, you can now import the file. To import the CSV file,
On the Speakers section, go to the Invite Speakers tab.
Add the CSV file. Drag a drop the file or browse through your device.
Graphical user interface, application, email

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Click Start Import.
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Choose a confirmation for the prompt message, Would you like to send confirmation mails to these speakers? Select Yes, Please to send an email to the speaker or No, Thank You to leave it for later.
Graphical user interface, text, application, chat or text message

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Upon successful import, the list of speakers is populated from the CSV file on the speaker's screen.
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