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Mapping Optional Fields

Map Optional Fields in Master Parts List and SBOMs.
Last edited 74 days ago by Rob Haines
Applicable to:
Zea Parts
Organization Owners and Admins


These examples will help you understand how to set up various optional fields in the Master Parts List and Service Bill of Materials (SBOMs).

Add a Public ‘Description’ Field

Next we want to add a new public ‘Description’ field so our customers can identify parts easier.
Click the New button.
Leave the type as String and click Create.
If you want the field to be available in the published catalog, toggle Public to On.
This will create multiple Imported Fields with a corresponding language depending on how many languages you have set up.
Name your field.
Select the Imported Field containing the Description.
Select the corresponding Language.

Add a Public ‘Price’ Field

The final field need is Price.
Click the New button.
Change the type to Number and click Create.
If you want the field to be available in the published catalog, toggle Public to On.
Numbers do not have a language.
Name your field.
Select the Imported Field containing the Price.
Number fields do not include a currency sign. To show a currency you can include the currency sign in the field name, for example Price (USD).

Add a Private ‘Notes’ Field

Now that we have a public field, let’s create a private field for internal notes. This will be only be displayed to users of your Organization who are logged in.
Click the New button.
Leave the type as String and click Create.
If you want the field to remain private, leave the Public toggle to Off.
When a field is private you do not need to set a language.
Name your field.
Select the Imported Field containing the Notes.

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